They are a pleasure to wear, these wide blue trousers. Only, I didn’t wear them very often as they required a high heel. As my lifestyle has changed, I decided to take up the hem after I had found lower heeled shoes which complimented the trousers. Then I saw these cream coloured perforated boots by EIJK and I was thrilled. Not too high, not too low; a pointed toe, airy enough to wear in summer (the trousers are lightweight). I couldn’t have asked for more.
In my folder “Outfits, still to put on the blog” I found the photo of these trousers with the multi-coloured shirt I love. The shirt is torn and tattered at the back of one sleeve and I must have that repaired. I love it too much.
You can see the trousers in this post with my zig zag jumper and in this post with my golden shimmer top. The shirt you can see in the début post with my baby blue skinny trousers and in this fabulous post with my yellow trousers.
Loes was my photographer again this time. We did the shoot in about 20 minutes. If the weather cooperates (not too much sun, not too cloudy; hardly any wind, no rain) taking outfit photos is a real pleasure.
Below: We started on this little bridge which I had ‘scouted’ on one of my many cycling trips. I am a bit peeved off here. Six weeks ago, when I saw this spot, nature was at its best and nobody had attached bicycles to the bridge.
Below: See what I mean?
We decided to leave the bridge and go to the side of the canal.
Below: The front of the outfit. I wanted to wear lots of colours and opted for the bright fuchsia bag.
Below: The side of the outfit. You can see that these two narrow belts are struggling a bit to find room at the very short space which is my waist. One belt would probably have been better.
Below: And the back of the outfit. I have decided to accept my tiny behind. It is what it is. And in wide trousers it isn’t even bad.
Below: Loes discovered this van with its colourful spots. Nice background for my outfit. It is the van of the Bakatelier (baking atelier). They reside in the south of the country. Seems like fun and yummy.
The length of the trousers is perfect with the EIJK boots.
Below: We walked a little further down the road. This bridge across the canal is part of a house or perhaps part of two houses, I don’t know. You can see a lady sitting on the far right.
Below: This is a shot of the whole apartment block. I am bent over because I am luring in a doggy. The bag over my shoulder is an O bag. Great shopper in all sorts of colours, straps and trimmings.
Below: It was a nice doggy playing with a tiny branch.
Below: We walked towards an area with lovely hanging trees. The boat that passed us here, is the canal maintenance boat, keeping the water open and navigable.
Below: Lovely photo of Loes underneath those trees. She was also dressed very colourfully.
Below: Close-up of the EIJK boots. Perfect. You don’t feel the 6 cm heel at all. They are like flat boots.
The photo shoot was done, so off to a terrace to enjoy a coffee.
Below: Close-up of Loes, looking terrific.
Below: Close-up of me with my bright blue earrings. They are custom-made with semi-precious stones. The button on my earlobe is purple. Don’t ask me what the stones are, I don’t remember.
What happened in my life this week
Saturday I had my fringe trimmed and Facetimed with my friend Anja in Spain. In the late afternoon we were invited by Georg and Marla, who had loads of yummy food. It is so difficult to keep my weight.
Sunday was another visit to mum. She is fine and we played Rummikub (below). The necklace she is wearing is mine from when I was 18. Some things last.
Monday I paid a visit to the physiotherapist, but actually my knee is doing fine at the moment. Not completely cured but very manageable. Another medical visit was to the orthodontist who checked whether my teeth were still straight and yes, they are fine.
In the afternoon Ron and I walked dog Watson along the seashore. Afterwards we went into the restaurant (Beach Inn) and we saw that nearly all guests had ordered nacho chips with melted cheese, guacamole and sour cream. The temptation was too much. We ordered it, followed by some French fries. This was lovely but very bad for my weight.
Tuesday I picked up Marianne (with an ‘e’ at the end) and we met our friend Marianna (with an ‘a’ at the end) somewhere in between where we live. We had a glorious lunch at Groot Kievitsdal in Baarn and stayed there chatting for 4 hours. So nice.
Marianna didn’t want her photo on my blog and of course I respect that. Marianne (below) is always prepared to be on the blog.
Below: And me. (Link to original outfit post.) Earrings by Lara Design.
Wednesday the plumber came to look at all the chores I had listed for him. He is a fun, chatty guy, so he stayed for half an hour.
Karlijn of kpa.haarlem came to dinner and I fetched pizza from an Italian restaurant around the corner. The perks of living in a city.
The reason for her visit was to show me how to use Reels and IGTV on Instagram. I wanted to learn that for myself but I also wanted to know this for Marcella and the videos we are creating. It is good to keep your brain activated as you get older. Very sweet of Karlijn to take this time for me.
In the afternoon I managed to wreck my washing machine in the sense it wasn’t working anymore, I couldn’t open the door to take the washing out and the display blinked on and off. Of course I took the plug out of the socket but it didn’t help. When I phoned the manufacturer (Miele), I got through to a human being in 10 seconds. Hurray. A nice lady tried to help me but couldn’t solve the problem either. Then she enthusiastically said: “Oh, I see I can have a repair man with you tomorrow morning!” That is indeed very quick.
Thursday at 9 a.m. the repair man came. A nice gentleman. He 1) solved the problem, 2) gave me tonnes of advice about the machine (things I didn’t know), 3) told me how to prevent the issue of it happening again and 4) said it was “instruction and information” and I was not going to be billed for that. I have been a fan of the brand Miele all my life and been using their products since I was 33 (I could afford them by that time). But it is when you have an issue which is solved this way, you become a true and loyal fan for the rest of your life.
I washed my hair and when I was just about ready, my friend Eefje called to say she nearly forgot our date but she was on her way. As it happened I had put it in my agenda on Friday instead of Thursday so I was glad she called.
Below: Eefje. She graciously let me use this photo although she is not too keen on being photographed or being featured on the blog. My husband thinks she is a beautiful woman and I fully agree. I know Eefje for 37 years now; she is cheerful, intelligent and a lovely friend.
Below: I was wearing this that day. Originally I wore this blouse with skinny jeans and silver pumps. The golden second-hand pumps you have seen in this post. A close-up of the green glass earrings with golden branch you can see in this post.
As Eefje and I walked back, Ron rang me. He said: “The weather is gorgeous. Let’s have dinner at the beach and why don’t you bring Froukje and Petro, if they feel like it.” They felt like it.
Below: After dinner moment. Petro isn’t in the photo.
Below: We saw the sun set. Amsterdam people pronounce the letter z as an s and there is a famous sentence demonstrating this. Translated it says: I have seen the sun setting into the sea. In Dutch: “ik heb de zon in de zee zien zakken”. With Amsterdam accent: “Ik heb de son in de see sien sakken.”
Friday Marcella of Lara Design came over and with my newly acquired skills we created two short videos for her Instagram account haha. I love doing this. You learn together and have fun at the same time.
I realize that I have been very lucky in life. Loving parents who raised me well and taught me right from wrong. A certain intelligence that allowed me to learn and get good jobs. Holding jobs I like all my working life (nearly 50 years). Lovely family. No war. Meeting my sweet husband when I was 34 and had sowed my wild oats. A very good relationship with my bonus daughter and her husband. Loads of friends and above all, good health. I am now retired and I can live comfortably. I mean, how lucky can you get in life? Every day I am grateful for all this.
Thank you for once again showing off your great fashion sense. I truly appreciate the time you put in to share with us your beautiful fashions.
Just love those wide leg pants and have purchased a few. I am so done with skinny leg Pants!!
Your closing comments about gratitude brought a tear to my eye and a reminder that I too am blessed and need to make time to be grateful each day.
Really, creating blog posts is no chore to me. It is a very much loved hobby. It is me who is grateful that you all read it.
I am not done with skinny trousers yet, but the ones I have, pinch in my stomach and that I don’t really like.
My closing comment just burst out of my typing fingers. I feel a bit shy now that I see it struck a chord with many if you.
What a gorgeous sunset, and a big YES to the “attitude of gratitude” – I felt the same way today as I was walking along the waterfront.
I love seeing your friends and Ron and your beautiful mum, and beautiful YOU, Greetje! You look happy and content. Happy that your washing machine got fixed so quickly – service like that makes customers for life, I so agree!
Love the wide trousers, the colourful blouse and the double belts. Your wee bum is so adorable, hee hee. I am drooling over the green blouse in your second outfit.
No worries about visiting/commenting, my dear friend. Real life comes first! Big virtual hug to you!
One of my other readers replied to the ‘attitude of gratitude’: “Being grateful is a secret prayer for attracting all things good.” I thought that was lovely.
Oh my green shirt (shirtdress)? At the end of the post? You have seen that long, wide thing before.
Thanks for understanding and big hugs to you too.
The colorful shirt with wide leg pants look so nice on you. (I would like that shirt for sure.) And I agree we should be grateful for our good life. I had wonderful parents who taught me well. And I married a good man. Plus I have some very dear friends. Lucky me. But I would enjoy living near a beach as you do! Ha ha!
You are one of the lucky ones as well. Yay. I have to say that an aweful lot of people cannot say the same. The beach I have always taken for granted (which I shouldn’t) as I have lived by the beach my whole life (four different places).
Thank you for this post, you always cheer me up but this week was really great! Your enjoyment of and gratitude for your life shine through every line.
Oh thank you. I can tell that to my husband haha. He thought the post was ‘all right, nothing special’. Mind you, when I showed him the concept I hadn’t written the last lines. But I bet he would think they are too mushy anyway.
Love that subtle mixing of prints in your outfit! Those trousers are fabulous and the blouse is such a happy look. Best of all were your closing comments. What lovely sentiments. You have been lucky indeed, and we are all better for your sharing that gratitude. Have a wonderful week!
I never even noticed that I was mixing prints until a reader told me. I must be getting better at this haha.
And I felt the necessity for my closing comments because readers may think: “She is not for real. All happy and cheerful.” But my life is like that. The bumps my life has had in the past will happen in any life.
I love your shirt, it has a beautiful print and goes very well with the soft tone of your pants. I love the color of your accessories, it is perfect in the outfit. Your bangs were beautiful, that’s how I see it in your close-up. I’m glad that your problem with the washing machine was fixed so well, sometimes those domestic problems can make you bitter.ent
I was very pleased myself with this outfit, so I am glad you like it. It is elegant, right?
Domestic problems are always a pain and in our marriage, I am the one to deal with them. My husband gets into arguments haha.
Greetje, that last sentence warmed the cockles of my heart! So lovely!
I love those wide-legged trousers, they’re absolutely gorgeous. And they look fabulous with the new boots too.
Have a wonderful week.
Suzy xx
Thank Suzy. I will pop over to your blog today. Been so busy.
You taught me another English word/expression: ‘the cockles of my heart’. Never heard that before.
This feels such an energetic post. Well, all your posts are full of energy, but it is particularly the case for this one. I love the trousers and colourful shirt featured in the first couple of photos. I smiled when I saw your look of indignation when you saw the bikes tied to the bridge. How dare these people ruin your photo shoot?
I hope you have a lovely week!
Oh thanks for saying this. My husband thought it was ‘all right’, nothing special, after reading it. I love the shirt I am wearing in this post, but I think the outfit of these trousers together with the zig-zag jumper in the original post was even a teeny bit better.
I think my face was even a lot grumpier before this shot, but Loes didn’t catch it on camera haha.
Such a great post. I love the expression ‘bonus’ daughter! I’m going to use that for my two new grandchildren, who are the result of my daughter’s marriage to an absolutely wonderful man. She has two sons and he has a daughter and a son. and their resulting blended family. Our two bonus grandchildren are as much a blessing as our original ones!
Nicky and I feel that this term reflects our (current) relationship much better. Blended families are getting highly common these days. Love is a great thing.
I think the top outfit is one of the nicest I’ve ever seen on you – just gorgeous. Love the shirt especially. And the bag (been looking for a fuchsia bag for ever; they all seem to be brown or wishy-washy colours at the moment). Who is it by? Marianne is always incredibly stylish and quirky – love the necklace, it’s a real eyecatcher.
Your comment on being grateful is spot on – could have written it myself! And you phrased it so well. Chapeau!
I will admit I am quite smitten with this outfit as well. But perhaps with the zig-zag jumper (the original post) it is even better.
The bag is by Picard but I bought it years ago. I found a similar one but larger and more expensive:
Found this one too, different model but a lot cheaper:
Marianne’s necklace was a birthday present from me. She wanted a chain necklace and when I found this one in a store, I liked it so much I wanted to keep it for myself and buy her another one. Then my conscience talked to me: “Marianne deserves to get the nicest one, you are being selfish”. And I always listen to my conscience haha.
Thank you for the compliments on my ‘grateful comment’.
Thank you so much for taking the time to find some suggestions Greetje! Also for the link to Wardow – I didn’t know them although I buy quite a lot from German brands and go there quite a lot for work (or used to pre-pandemic). Now off to have a browse on Wardow 🙂
I have never heard of Wardow either. They seem legit though, having a little lock in the URL.
And you are most welcome.
No wonder you have such beautiful friends and family. It is because you are beautiful inside and out. Being grateful is a secret prayer for attracting all things good.
I feel that this is too much honour. Like all people I have my bad things as well. Mind you, I have mellowed as I grew older. Hardly any tantrums anymore and much more patience. I do like the way you put it: “Being grateful is a secret prayer for attracting all things good”. Is that an established saying? Or did you come up with it?
I love it when you say bonus daughter. So much nicer than step daughter. Makes her sound so much more special
Yes, we both decided that bonus daughter and bonus mum reflects our relationship these days much better as we get on so well now. That used to be quite different when she was growing up. Not her fault though. Those times were difficult for all of us.
I always enjoy your posts but, today was even better with your final words – that you are lucky – you are grateful for what you have. Thank you for those words.
I thought I should mention it. People might think I am not for real with all this cheery chat and doing lovely things, but I am such a lucky person.
Hi – Some thoughts on today’s post.
I love all of the bright colors that you and your friends are wearing.
In my next life, I want to have long legs like yours.
I really like Eefje’s grey shirt.
Your blog is one of my favorite parts of Sundays.
Have a great week!
This is so good to hear Anne. Such a comment really makes my day. And ehh.. in my next life I want to have thick gorgeous hair.