Let me start by saying Happy New Year and may 2022 make you happy indeed. To bring in the new year with colour, here is some pink; not pale pink or blush pink but in-your-face pink as with this bright pink blazer. If you have a very good memory and have been reading every single post (nobody does that, right?) you will have seen this blazer make its first appearance on the blog combined with leopard print trousers. I bought the blazer at kpa.haarlem two years ago.
In this post I combined,my blue leggings and a blue dotted top to compliment the jacket. The white boots bookend the white earrings (by Lara Design), which means I have three colours in this outfit: pink, blue and white. Just the way I like it. Only two colours often make an outfit a bit boring (with some exceptions of course). Sylvia of 40PlusStyle taught me this and I fully agree.
Loes did me the honour of taking photos. It was really foggy that day and she said: “I don’t understand… even your face is foggy”. It took me a while before I realised that the camera feature ‘focus’ had moved from Auto Focus to Manual Focus haha. That was easily corrected.
Below: The haze you see on the right, was really there. I wore the best coat I have ever bought. This parka by Annette Görtz is so good. It can withstand rain, it is warm, the sleeves are wide enough to allow bulky sweaters and it is long enough to wear a blazer underneath it. Brilliant. It might not be a stunning look, but I can wear it and look good. The scarf and the bag are from the Max Mara outlet in Halfweg.
Below: The same coat but downgraded haha. This is how I look when I go cycling three times a week. Leg warmers around my wrists to stop the wind blowing up my sleeves; the yellow scarf to secure the hood and gloves of course. There is always wind when you are cycling, it often rains and the temperatures can be around freezing.
Below: While Loes was across the street taking my photos, a man with a helmet on a scooter passed and strained his neck looking at me. The expression on his face was so funny. It was obvious he was wondering why the hell I was being photographed LOL.
Below: We found a carport to shelter from the damp and I tried a ‘cute pose’.
Below: Loes has a new coat and scarf. Snuggly warm for winter.
Below: White earrings from Lara Design. I chose these for the colour but also because the top has dots as well.
Below: Though my knee is completely on the blink again (see further down), I managed to hoist myself up this post. My beloved coat is protecting my behind from the wet, dirty stone.
Below: I even tried another pose, which I thought would look relaxed. Not so, I am afraid LOL.
The photo shoot didn’t take long and as soon as we could we fled the damp and headed home. Sorry, no beautiful buildings this time.
Below: Loes having a cup of tea. She is getting better and better at posing.
What happened in my life this week
There was Christmas of course. We spent a day at my mum’s, together with my brother and sister-in-law. The four of us did a Covid test before going. I had a smashing outfit, even if I say so myself. As soon as the weather is improving I will have it photographed for you. It deserves its own post.
We don’t give each other presents at Christmas, but my SIL had bought us all little presents anyway. And they were very nice, like I got a favourite magazine and mascara. It was sweet of her and they were all nicely wrapped. Ron had cooked boeuf bourguignon which was terrific, as was dessert. For starters we had carpaccio and that never fails.
Second Christmas Day (which is what we call the 26th of December) we went to my bonus daughter and her husband. They had cooked and it was delicious. It is so fantastic having people you love to go to on these days. I realise I am a very lucky woman.
I will show you what I wore on that Sunday as I was very pleased with my own styling.
Below: my wide blue skirt with blue dots, my black blouse with blue stars (Vivienne Westwood), cream boots, black and white belt with green glass beads and green earrings. Oh, and the cross-body bag by Dries van Noten worn as evening bag.
Below: Details of the outfit in a close-up. The green glass beads on the belt are at the side. It was designed this way and quite convenient as the ‘bow’ of the blouse would otherwise hide it.
Below: You can see the blue glittery stars in the black blouse better in this photo. I am looking up in love to my husband.
On Monday Loes and I had the photo shoot for this post.
Tuesday was Nicky’s birthday and we went back to their place again. After all she cannot help it that her parents were bad at birth planning. We had sushi for dinner. Yummy.
Below: That day the harmonica which I had ordered as a present for Ron finally arrived. Happy husband.
Wednesday I was supposed to go to the eye clinic but they postponed my appointment as there were a lot of people ill at the clinic. In the afternoon I went to my camera man to ask him why some photos were so blurry with my camera. Long story short: I got a new camera. Not because he pushed the sales (quite the contrary) but because this new camera can focus on faces and eyes much better and I want that. Ron always asks me why I want sharp photos as he says: “It will only show your wrinkles better”. LOL
The new camera took rather a big chunk out of my savings. And being a pensioner, there is no money going back into it. I will end up a poor beggar.
Ah and the knee…I nearly forgot. A week ago I was just walking when all of a sudden I had to limp because of pain in my left knee. And it didn’t get any better, so I booked an appointment with my doctor. She said that because of the osteoporosis in my left knee, sometimes a wobbly bit inside the knee can change position when you make a certain move. When that wobbly bit is pressing against the meniscus, you are in pain. But just as easily as it came, it can go back again. No, that is a bit of a lie; going back won’t be suddenly. Anyway, after a week of pain it is slightly getting better and I got painkillers which are also meant to prevent inflammation. Let’s see how this develops. Going up and down the stairs is still a challenge.
Friday, the 31st of December we call ‘Old year’s day’. I stopped by at kpa.haarlem to give Karlijn my best wishes for the new year and to wish her a lovely holiday.
I had a bit of a panic when I tried to convert photos from my new camera to my computer. After I plugged in the little USB cable, my computer went complete dead. Couldn’t get it working again. My IT guy gave me some tips for a restart…nothing. Dead as a doornail. I phoned the camera man to ask whether I perhaps had plugged in the cable the wrong way; had he ever experienced this before? Then all of a sudden there was life in the computer again. It turned out that Ron had switched off the power without warning me…Pffffff
In the afternoon we went to our friends Georg and Marla to spend the last evening of this year. They are very good cooks and baked the traditional ‘oliebollen’ and ‘appelflappen’. Yummy. As always we had a good time.
Below: A bowl filled with ‘oliebollen’ (deep-fried doughnuts).
Below: And a bowl with ‘appelflappen’ (apple turnovers).
Let’s make 2022 a positive year.
Pretty and festive look! And as usual very entertaining to read about your life and to see it in pictures. Love my friend!
Festive?? Oh, I wouldn’t have thought that. Thank you for reading so many of my blog posts. You can understand why I love my blog so much more than Instagram.
Happy New Year to you, Ron, Watson and your families! I love hearing about the Dutch traditions (those donuts look so good).
Love your pink blazer, and I appreciate that you chose the earrings not only for the white but also for the shape (I do that too!). I love your pretty festive outfit – that blouse is beautiful. Looking forward to seeing your Christmas Day look!
Sorry to hear your knee is wonky again, Greejte. My plantar fasciitis has finally gone away – it’s been close to a year. Getting old…sucks!
Choosing the earrings not only for the colour but also for the shape is something we have in common, despite we differ in the way we dress. There are big differences in how we both dress but also many similarities. The festive outfit is one that I am pretty proud of (having styled it). My Christmas Day look will be on the blog in two weeks.
My knee problem is going up and down. Very annoying. Seeing the physiotherapist on Thursday. Not that she can solve it, but she might improve it a little.
At least your health problem is gone. But then again, you are so much younger than I am (great to hear, right?)
Your blog always brightens my day, especially during these anxious Covid times. I hope you will continue it! I love looking at your outfits and imagining styles I would like to try when life is a little more normal again. I also enjoy all the scenic locations you choose for your photoshoots. I am in the U. S., in Maryland, but visited the Netherlands once with my husband, whose parents are Dutch. Now there are many locations I would like to visit with him if we are able to return some day.
Thank you for all those compliments Caroline. I cannot promise there will always be fab locations in my posts. Sometimes I have little time and I have to make do. Or my photographer chooses a background in the middle of nowhere (ususally when my husband is the photographer). But I promise I will keep on blogging for the foreseeable future.
Happy new year! Looks like you had a lovely traditional new year despite all the hassles! And looking fab too. Our new year was very quiet, but at least it was a bit warmer than where you are…
Happy new year to you too.
As for the temperature…it is unusually warm here for the time of year: 14 degrees. Mind you, this week it is going down to 5 and after that it is picking up again to 12. So not too bad.
The three color styling tip was news to me. Good tip. You look great in the pink blazer with blue. Nice, nice look. And your hairstyle is very attractive. Happy 2022 but I’m worried about what all we’re facing. Sorry to be worry wart! Enjoyed your blog as always.
That three colour styling tip was new to me too when I started this blog. I learned a lot these past 9 years.
My hairstyle is about the only style I can get my hair in and look reasonably good. My hair is thin and there isn’t a lot of it.
But a good hairdresser and backcombing it helps a lot. Which I why I shout “I Have to re-do my HAIR” nearly every photo shoot. LOL
Don’t worry about what we are facing. It is something you cannot influence. I say: never worry about what you cannot influence. It is a waste of time.
We will cross the bridge when we come to it. We people are resilient. Accepting and go with the flow cost a lot less energy.
That blazer is the business. Really lights up your face and the shape looks great on you, especially with leggings. You don’t often see pieces like that here in France. I love bright pink as well although that one would come down to my knees – I’m a lot shorter than you! I saw your comment on Annette’s blog that you were thinking of stopping your blog but I really hope you don’t – love your style and sense of humour. Happy new year and stay well.
Well, I must admit, you don’t see a blazer like this very often in the Netherlands either. When I see a colour like that in the rack, I am drawn to it like a moth to a flame.
As for continuing my blog, I often toy with the idea of stopping, but then I wouldn’t have a hobby anymore. Creating a post every week keeps me pretty busy and I love all aspects of it. So why stop, especially now that I am retired. Perhaps because I don’t see any progress? The number of visitors remains the same or even declines. On the other hand, I don’t know any of you, really. So who cares whether I have 5,000 or 500,000 visitors, right? (The figure at the moment is 4,768 to be exact LOL.)
Happy New Year Greetje! The pink jacket looks divine on you. I can’t wear that color, but it’s fabulous on the right person.
I agree, we shall have to make this new year fun! You always put a smile on my face—a good start!
Any bright colour looks good on me Sarah. Beige and pastel however…awful.
I am very pleased with your comment that I can put a smile on your face as it is my main goal with this blog.
Wishing you a happy and fun new year.
The pink of your blazer is not my favorite, but the look looks good, everything always looks good with your jeans. I love the scarf, it is beautiful. I love your look under the photo of Loes, it is so lady, so chic, so elegant, so vaporous.
Actually, these are not jeans but leggings which is quite daring for a woman my age haha.
The blue skirt with the black blouse is an outfit I am proud of. I agree with you that it is elegant. I felt very festive wearing it.
Dear Greetje,
Thank you so much for keeping up with the blogging what you do, wear and write is always so interesting. Wishing you a Happy New Year from Yorkshire! Sarah X PS love those pastries!
Hi Sarah, it is my pleasure entirely to provide you with a new blog post every week. It is my hobby. The fact that you (and others) find my babbling interesting always surprises me, but I gladly accept the compliments. Happy New Year to you too Tyke.
Happy New Year to you and Ron! It was a very quiet holiday over here. I really like the colour of Loes’ new coat. It’s important to have a coat like your navy one that is water resistant, warm and can accommodate layers underneath.
I’m sorry to hear your old camera “bit the dust”. New ones are still expensive even if most people use their phone instead of a camera. I still have a “real camera” but it doesn’t get used very often.
It has been quiet over here as well. Fireworks were forbidden (too many people gathering). I quite like that as I am scared of fireworks in the hands of amateurs. A lot of people refrained from it, but not everybody.
I will forward your compliment to Loes. And, just for the record, my water resistant coat is charcoal.
Tell me about how expensive cameras are…I had to think it over really carefully before I took the plunge. I find that faces become quite red with iPhone cameras, even with the iPhone 12. Apple always promises a beter camera in a new version and I am always disappointed. And Happy New Year to you too.
Ha Greetje, gelukkig nieuwjaar! Ik volg jouw blog met veel plezier. Ofschoon zelf wat klassieker qua kleding hou ook ik van mode en kleur en geniet ik zeer van je altijd bijzondere outfits, je humor en je relativering. Mode is belangrijk, maar niet het belangrijkste. En het is heerlijk om via jouw blog bevestigd te zien hoe mooi Nederland is ( en België 😉 waar ik zelf vandaan kom maar al lang niet meer woon). Beterschap met je knie en ik kijk alweer uit naar je volgende post…
Ach wat leuk…weer een Nederlandse (nou ja Belgische) lezeres. Veel van mijn lezeressen zijn Amerikaans, Engels of Canadees, maar ja, dat krijg je ervan als je in het Engels blogt LOL.
Ik ben blij met je complimenten, vooral die van humor, want mensen laten lachen vind ik belangrijker dan de outfitjes, ook al is dat een hoofdmoot. Knietje gaat met pieken en dalen. Het schiet erin en eruit. Hopeloos.
You looked lovely in all the pictures, Happy New Year to you and the family.
That is very nice to say Lana. Thank you. And of course I wish you and your loved ones a very Happy New Year too.
Let’s put some fun into this year.
Thank you for adding humor, lovely photos of your city and county, and inspiring me to keep dressing up, each week.
Happy New Year to you and your family.
It is harder with Covid to keep on dressing up, isn’t it? When there are less ventures to go to, you wonder what is the point of getting properly dressed.
I am fighting that feeling. My blog helps of course. Noblesse oblige.
Wishing you and your loved ones a Happy New Year too.
Lovely outfits!!! You look pretty in pink but I especially love your navy skirt outfit — stunning. Such a lovely photo of Loes, too.
BTW, I do read every one of your posts, and I’m sure most of your other readers do too. Happy New Year, Greetje.
Ah Pretty in Pink; that is the title of a movie. The navy skirt outfit made me feel very festive. I was pleased with myself for creating this combination.
I will forward your compliment to Loes.
Gosh Cynthia, you are one heck of a loyal reader. Thank you ever so much. And Happy New Year to you too.
Your fuchsia blazer reminds me of a Mondi I had many years ago and enjoyed wearing for quite sometime. Same bright color!! you look resplendent in it.
You look your “chicest” in leggings for obvious reasons. The chemise cum skirt is a nice classic but doesn’t have the same”bite”!!
Happy New Year!!
heat and ice for the knee!!
Ah there is that word ‘resplendent’ again. Thanks!
I agree that the blouse/skirt combination is more classic but I did feel festive in it. Usually I don’t wear leggings in such a way. Mostly underneath a longer tunic. But I thought it was OK with these boots and the long blazer.
Mondi is a brand I used to love as well. Gosh, that was a long time ago.
Happy New Year to you too.
I love the pink blazer and all of your outfits. Happy New Year!!!
Well, thank you very much Charlotte. Not every outfit I come up with is good, but I do try every time. Happy New Year to you too.
SORRY ABOUT THE NEW CAMERA………I Kinda agree with THE HUBBY!I just learned I was using the wrong side of the IPHONE!!!!
Why are you sorry about the new camera? It is working fine; I am really pleased with it. I had to laugh when I read you were using the wrong side of the iPhone. How on earth did you manage that? Anyway: Happy New Year Elizabeth.
You’re lookin’ good! Hope your knee feels better soon. And Happy New Year.
Happy New Year to you too Ally. I am ashamed to say I haven’t visited your blog lately. I will make up for it.
Hello You
Oh, those apple turnovers! All calorie-free, Yes? Oh, no?
Bright colours do suit you, your pink jacket is quite lovely, as is your December 26th outfit. I loved the photo of you laughing at the scooter rider; and was glad to see you wrapped up in that cosy-looking scarf. Don’t you just love those that wrap round you like a big hug And you’re right about Loes, she looks very relaxed in front of the camera these days.
Have a good week. Hope your knee improves. Stay safe.
Hahaha, no those apple turnovers weren’t calorie-free as my scale demonstrated this morning. Actually they are apple fritters. We always call them turnovers but that isn’t right. Not that anybody cares as they are delicious.
Thank you for the many compliments. Of course I fully agree with you LOL. I will forward the compliment to Loes.
My knee is improving slowly but I don’t know how much is due to pain killers. We’ll see.
You look so great in these photos. While I’m not a fan of hot pink for myself, you look fantastic – very light and happy. I also love the blue skirt/black blouse combo – very chic!
Hope your knee feels better.
Have a happy new year. Let’s all hope 2022 is a better one!
I am a fan of any bright colour LOL. As you kindly commented, such a bright colour looks good on me. The blue/black blouse combo is a favourite of mine as well. I felt very festive. My knee is getting better but very slowly. And I don’t know how much of it is due to pain killers.
Wishing you a very happy 2022 as well.
That pink blazer and navy blue dress are so lovely on you!
We are optimistic about 2022!
Ah.. the navy blue dress is as a matter of fact, a blouse with a skirt. But thank you for the compliments. Much appreciated.
I love all your posts, but the December 26 outfit is my favorite so far. Your joi de vivre is contagious. I look forward to your posts every Sunday.
Thanks very much Sharon. I often ask myself whether I want to continue blogging. But then I get a comment like yours and I am all siked up again. I was very pleased with myself for coming up with the December 26 outfit haha. My outfit ideas don’t always work out but sometimes I have a hit.
Gelukkig Nieuwjaar Greetje
Ik verheug mij altijd als er een nieuw
fashion bericht is.
Wat leuk, een enthousiaste Nederlandse volger van mijn blog. Je bent in de minderheid. Mijn meeste bezoekers komen uit de Verenigde Staten. Achteraf heb ik me wel afgevraagd of het nou zo’n goed idee was om in het Engels te bloggen. Ik kan me er toch minder goed in uitdrukken. Nou ja, jij bent er in ieder geval blij mee. Dank dat je het me hebt laten weten en jij ook een Gelukkig Nieuwjaar.
Happy New Year to you and Ron. We are longing for the day we can visit your wonderful country again. All the best for 2022
We are also really longing for some travelling again but safety first. Nice that you have already visited the Netherlands. Wishing you a Happy 2022 as well.
Happy New Year, Greetje! That laughing picture is the Greetje I know and love! Let’s chat soon so you can tell me about your new camera….
Oh that would be fun. I will send you some dates for facetiming. And Happy New Year to you too.
I quite enjoy “all” your posts! Happy New Year to you and Ron!
Thank you very much Jeanne. It is so nice to hear that my blogging ‘work’ is appreciated. Everybody needs a compliment now and then, right?
And of course a Happy New Year to you to.
Dear Greetje,
Happy New Year! I really enjoy your blog. Your blogging ‘work’ is very much appreciated. I also look forward to your posts on Sundays.
Laurie Moone
United States
That is so nice to hear Laurie. Such comments make me want to continue blogging. It is heartwarming to be appreciated like that.
Happy New Year to you too.
Happy New Year from Vancouver Island, Canada.
Oh I miss oliebollen.
My mother used to make them every New Years.. We ate them with a light dusting of Icing sugar.
Love love the blue skirt outfit. I am so thankful for all the effort you put into showing the great Dutch fashions. Looking forward to many more in 2022. Cheers
Yes, we also eat them with icing sugar, although I not for a light dusting LOL. I just pile the sugar on.
If you are from Vancouver Island, then I bet you know Sheila’s blog (Ephemera) as well.
I am very pleased with my own styling of the blue skirt outfit. I felt very festive.
It is my great love for outfits that started this blog and it is my hobby, so you will indeed see many more in 2022. Happy New Year.