Due to our Paris trip and my week in Covid isolation I was short of photos for the blog. And my regular photographers Loes and Kitty were both unavailable on short term. So, Ron to the rescue.
A blog article on You Look Fab inspired me to combine the white trousers and shirt with the green jacket. Or should I say, I just copied it haha. The article showed different ways to style a white shirt.
You Look Fab is a really good website with lots of tips and inspiration and a very committed community of women. I am proud to say there are two Dutch ladies at the helm: Angie and Inge.
Below: I admit I like it better with the shirt as far open as in this picture, but one has to know one’s limitations LOL.
Ron suggested a particular park and said I should bring different shoes to get to places where my normal shoes would get damaged. But…I changed my outfit from what I had in mind at first to these white trousers that need higher heels. I have no ‘doesn’t-matter-if-they-get-dirty’-high heels.
As soon as he directed me towards some trees in the distance, my mood went down. I had to trod through sand, bushes and grass while a branch swept against my face. I said some things I cannot repeat. Which of course got Ron cross. An argument followed.
What is it with people that they lose politeness and just let go when they are with loved ones? Because they feel safe? I would never do this with somebody else (well…apart from friends I know well, poor sods). Anyway, I repented and next time I will speak firmly to myself, not to start moping and groaning when we go out for a photo shoot.
Below: I arrived at the designated spot and yes, it is a good photo. A bit too sunny so the green of my jacket turned a little brown/beige in the photo. The jacket is second-hand Ralph Lauren from a vintage shop in Leiden, called Lionheart Vintage Boutique. (I am linking her Instagram account, just for the Dutch or for tourists who happen to be in Leiden.) The white trousers are Essentiel Antwerp, the boots Unisa and the shirt Piazza Sempione. I had the front of the shirt sewn tight so there is no gaping. Who needs buttons when you can put it on over your head?
Below: Feeble excuse for a pose.
Below: This pose is not much better, but the light through the trees is lovely.
Below: Close-up of the orange earrings by Lara Design. (Are you getting tired of hearing that the earrings are by Lara Design? I do say it a lot, don’t I?)
Below: Checking the camera as it suddenly went to a different screen and I didn’t know which button to push. I have to look through the bottom of my contact lenses to be able to see up close, which means I am squinting.
Below: I got the camera going again (sheer luck) and Watson photobombed. Ron said: “What an odd photo; it looks as if the dog is peeing in your tote.”
Below: I liked this photo as well. See his tongue sticking out? I bet he wanted to lick my face which he is not allowed.
Below: Then Ron asked me to stand on the very edge near the lake. Hazardous with old knees and high heels, but I made it (after refusing at first). I walked very slowly and carefully. It does make for a cool picture.
Below: Very near to me in my tricky spot, Watson was splashing around in the water. I was lucky; he didn’t jump up to me.
What happened in my life this week
Saturday was my birthday, which I didn’t celebrate, but I did visit mum as she needed help with the wound on her heel. I brought her a little footstool from our house as she was advised to keep her foot elevated to avoid putting pressure on her foot. I also had to fix a foam ankle ring which she wears at night to prevent her heel touching the mattress. It kept slipping off etc. so I fixed it.
Below: On the right my leg trying out the ankle ring and on the left my mum resting her legs on the footstool.
Below: I took a photo of mum again. She just had her hair cut.
Sunday I did some sunbathing in the garden. Only for an hour in the late afternoon.
Monday it was Ron’s birthday. We ‘celebrated’ it by going to the beach in the morning. In the afternoon I had a photo shoot with Kitty in the tulip fields and as we drove back a lady smashed my left side mirror (below) while passing on a small bridge (I had right of way). Hassle, papers, insurance, phone calls etc.
Tuesday: Went straight to the garage in the early morning to have my side mirror repaired, after which I could drive to mum and take her to the hospital for a check-up of the wound.
Wednesday: The plumber came and fixed a lot of things. I left him to himself for an hour to go to the pedicure and in the afternoon my hair was cut and dyed by the hairdresser. Busy day.
Thursday The doctor’s assistant cleaned my ears. I rushed home as Marcella came round to create a few videos for her earrings promotion.
In the afternoon I visited the pelvic floor therapist and told her we weren’t there yet. She assured me I was doing the right things and it would all be OK in about a month.
Friday Karlijn of kpa.haarlem invited me for a cappuccino and a cake as a belated birthday celebration. Fortunately for her there were so many clients that it took an hour before we could sit down to that. It was a lovely gesture.
Below: This is what I was wearing on Friday.
In the evening we had friends for drinks and dinner, which was lively and lovely. I had bought paella at a very good catering company with tapas as starter. Ron was busy with work that day and had no time to cook. Before you suggest this…letting me cook is a very bad idea.
And here is the weekly video, created with zero inspiration (sorry dear readers).
The T-shirt I am wearing in the video you have seen before in this post with my jeans dress.
I loved that comment about letting you cook is a bd idea LOL!! Really made me laugh!
So bummed for you that someone smashed your mirror 🙁
I’m off to Germany next week to pick my new car. I can’t wait! But I’ll be writing all about it, for sure lol!
Big hugs
Suzy xx
I can do vegetables, potatoes and meat. And I can do that pretty well too. I just hate cooking.
A new car, very exciting! All the way from Germany no less.
I like the jacket with the white pants and shirt. It’s a good look and the photos with the trees and sunlight worked so well to highlight the outfit. Good job.
I will tell Ron you like his photography. As for outfit ideas, I am going to visit You Look Fab ofter.
Happy Birthdays, Greetje and Ron! I can get very snappy with Logan – it’s only our beloveds that we are so grouchy! I enjoyed the pictures regardless, nice to see Watson.
Your mum’s outfit is very chic, and her new haircut is lovely. I hope her foot feels better soon!
I liked these outfits – your style is becoming more slouchy and relaxed, Greetje. Oh, sorry to tell you, that Ferre crushed velvet got snapped up by my friend Yvonne (it looks fab on her too, sigh).
I think a relationship benefits of trying to be nice to each other. So I will try more.
My style is still evolving but contrary to you, jeans and trousers are becoming more and more ‘my thing’. Just because I have no job to go to. And because I never know what sort of shoes to wear with dresses and skirts.
Sending belated Happy Birthday wishes to you and Ron. I’m glad that you did not get seriously ill when you had COVID.
I like both of these green and white outfit combinations, but I admit to preferring the second one with the green sweater and shoes. I’m not a fan of wearing white head to toe, but that’s just me 😉
I wouldn’t wear white head to toe either, but when a belt and a jacket are added and the white is just the column in between I am game.
Thank you for your birthday wishes.
This type of military-style jacket honestly doesn’t really appeal to me, I guess it’s my aversion to anything that sounds like violence. On the contrary, when you take it off and I see your all white I feel delighted. I also really like the bag. I also really like your green and white combination. And I love your look in the video, so basic and cute, with that beautiful shirt.
Oh I so get you in this. That is exactly the reason why I do not like clothes made in a camouflage fabric.
I had no idea this was a military style jacket. I thought it was more safari-like, although I hate safari and hunting too. Strange.., never thought about this.
Happy birthday! Fantastic Style! I like that jacket and I like that color!
Thank you for your compliments and birthday wishes. That is very kind. Also welcome to my little blog.
Happy birthday to you and Ron! I love all the outfits in this blog. The Ralph Lauren jacket is a great find. Thank for telling us about the You Look Fab website. I am always seeking inspiration.
Watson does look like he is using your tote as a toilet!
Have a lovely week!
The vintage shop where I found the RL jacket is a real treasure box. And visually, so is You Look Fab.
Luckily I know when Watson is peeing and that is when he lifts a leg, not like this, standing on all four.
Happy Birthday to both of you! I really liked the photos of the white outfit with a touch of green from the jacket. I agree people say the worst things to their partner. Your mom looks so good!
And don’t forget the brown belt. I think that really adds something.
It is good to realize that we should behave more politely, more compassionately. It makes for a better relationship.
Mum reads my posts and the comments, so she will read your compliment.
Happy Birthday Greetje and Happy Birthday Ron!! Ron does take wonderful photos so don’t be too mad. He has, what they say, it the “eye” for a shot. You always look fabulous and that deep green is stunning on you. Hope your Mom heals soon, poor dear.
I will behave much better in future when Ron takes photos (which he will next Wednesday). Promise.
He does heve the eye, he is very creative.
Thanks for your birthday wishes and good wishes on mum’s health.
Love the (what I refer to as Khaki shade) jacket with the white linen pants.. You are correct.. I went…”I have this in my closet” my jacket is Michael Kors from a few years back and my linen pants (wide leg) are by Olsen so I too will be sporting this same look, give or take once our weather gets its act together and remembers it is supposed to be spring..
The weather does tend to forget these things, right? It should know by now, it happens every year LOL.
What I liked about the outfit was the addition of the brown belt. Which was also in my wardrobe.
Have fun styling your take on this idea.
Happy Birthday to you and Ron. I hope you’ll think about celebrating next year for your 69th birthday. At our age (I will turn 68 in October), every year deserves to be celebrated. I am trying to rejoice at each birthday and remember that some of my peers have, sadly, not lasted as long. You look fabulous and so does your mother. I hope that her foot makes a complete recovery soon!
I am not much of a party girl and birthday parties in the Netherlands aren’t very exciting. But I get your drift.
My best friend died a few years ago, I think she became 66, so yes, I do cherish every day.
Well, traipsing through mud, etc… in an all white is very brave! Love the white/green combo, fresh and modern. lucky, Watson didn’t shake his muddy water off while in your presence.
Mama looks sporty in her navy/white combo, despite her ailments.
And, yes, you don’t have to be so “ pudic”, you can unbutton your chemise further down. It’s the right way to wear it! if you got it, flaunt it!
I had to take the trousers straight to the dry cleaners (so it said on the label).
Watson shaking off his muddy water was a very feasable scenario. I was indeed lucky.
It is not that I am ‘pudic’ (thanks for teaching me that word), I am rather the opposite. But my neck is full of wrinkles due to sunbathing and bad genes (my father’s), so I don’t really like to expose these wrinkels.
That photo of you by the water with your sunnies on is lovely and the sporty style of the parka really suits you. A belated happy birthday for the 16th which, funnily enough, was my birthday too! We had 25C sunshine here so we went to a nice restaurant for lunch and sat outside on their terrace. Happy birthday to Ron too. And I hope your mum’s foot gets better soon.
Oh we are birthday sisters! Happy birthday to you too then.
Where do you live? I think you told me and I forgot (sorry). Born UK and moved to France??
Belated Happy Birthday to you and Ron both!
What a busy week you had! I always enjoy reading about your day to day life as well as seeing photos of your Mom. I hope the sore on her foot is healing. That’s quite a worry, isn’t it?
I love the video and your attitude! If you like it, wear it! It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. Personally, I really like the outfit, especially the printed tee.
Mum’s heel is a worry indeed, especially because it is taking so long. Four months now. Poor soul.
And yes, most of my weeks are busy. People had told me this would happen in retirement and all I could think was “but how?”. They were right though and I still have that question haha.
I like the outfit with the printed T-shirt as well but I do agree with the woman who told me matchy matchy, that not choosing the obvious colour or shape, can really spice up an outfit. She just didn’t say it too nicely.
Happy belated birthday wishes from California, Greetje! While I certainly appreciate the hardship of navigating difficult terrain in heels, I applaud Ron’s encouragement to get you to stand by the water: a fabulous picture! Sure glad Watson didn’t decide to shake off the water next to your lovely outfit. I have used two-sided tape to eliminate gaps, but had not thought of sewing a blouse closed–thanks for the great hint.
I was also very thankful that Watson didn’t shake off the water next to me. It was a very likely scenario.
Sewing the shirt down the middle line (on both sides of the buttons) may be a good idea, but I had it professionally done by a seamstress. Didn’t dare to do it myself.
Love the green jacket with the white pants. I also have both in my closet, so I will try it out. You look very hip.
Happy belated birthday to you and Ron. Watson is a goofball!
Have a great week. It sounds like you have bounced back from your covid.
Oh yes, Covid is gone with me and it hardly bothered me (yay to vaccination).
Thank you for your good wishes.
Funny isn’t it, that you can see an outfit and think “Hey…I have these things in my closet”. Good luck with trying it out.
Belated Happy Birthday’s to both you and Ron!
I love the white and olive combo, and how the earrings pick up the red bits on the jacket. But I wouldn’t have wanted to hike that territory in heels either. 😉 Also like the green and white outfit.
Oh, hah…I thought my jacket was green too, but it is olive you say? My cataract operation won’t be until the end of June. Perhaps I will see colour better after that. I hope I make it till that time. It is getting pretty bad in my right eye.
Happy belated birthday to you both
I’m going to try that outfit as I have the required clothes amazingly. I don’t wear my white trousers often enough. Spring is here so now is the time to start. Think I’ll also sew down my blouses so they don’t gape. Good thinking.
Thank you Maureen. I’ll pass on your good wishes to Ron.
I wasn’t wearing these trousers either. Last year I took them out of the closet and tried all sorts of ways to wear them. And that helped. The shirt was sewn down by a seamstress I have to admit. You want it done neatly and I am not good enough with a sewing machine to risk it.