Again these wide leg jeans, this time with an oversized orange blazer. Big on big. Next week you’ll see these jeans again, even though I might lose readers when my content gets so boring. On the other hand, you’ll get to see a lot of possibilities which might inspire you. (I used to work in advertising and I learned how to explain away any bent proposition haha.)
Loes and I chose a little square with a fountain to photograph this outfit.
Below: There aren’t many fountains in Haarlem. This was a treat, even if it is a small one.
Below: The sleeves of the top are showing on purpose. I like the repeat.
Below: The neighbourhood has pretty houses and I adore the trees in this street.
Below: The bicycles were all centred at the beginning of the street and not in front of every house, as you often see. It so spoils the look of a house. But if you cannot reach your garden other than going through the house, you’ll have to leave it outside or put it in the hallway which is usually not too big.
Below: These men asked to be in a photo with me and I thought “why not”. The cans of beer at half past 10 in the morning should have given me the answer “better not”. The man in the beige jacket nearly choked me with his arm. They didn’t look like bums and they were very friendly but beer at half past 10 in the morning? Oh well, different culture? (They weren’t Dutch.)
Below: We moved to another spot. I have to say that, although the blazer is indeed really orange, it isn’t as bright as on the photos. I forgot to set the camera on RAW instead of JPG, which I must use for my photo course.
For those who don’t know what I am talking about, it means, with JPG I cannot edit the photos, like the colours, the depth etc. All these decisions are automatically made by the JPG setting and I don’t always agree with the automatic choices. The blazer is by Samsøe & Samsøe and I bought it at kpa.haarlem. I had my eye on it for half a year and when it hit the sale, I could no longer resist it.
Below: The back of the oversized blazer. I just had my hair cut and it is still settling.
Below: Loes was dressed in a trendy long jacket. Brown is very much the colour this autumn.
Below: Such a delicate carving of the support stones.
What happened in my life this week
It wasn’t a fun week. Mum caught severe pneumonia and was whisked into hospital. She is doing all right now and hopefully she will go back to the nursing home soon.
You can understand that a phone call in the middle of the night with the question whether I could accompany my mother in the ambulance, was a bit of a shock. I couldn’t accompany her because by the time I would have reached the hospital, she would have been in bed and asleep. That is the problem when you live over an hour’s drive away.
Of course it meant I didn’t sleep a wink that night nor the next night. I brought her clothes, glasses etc., informed lots of people and rang the hospital several times. Stressful but worse for poor mum.
They do take good care of her in the hospital and I am very grateful to the nurse in the nursing home who was so committed that she checked my mum at night and called the ambulance when her fever hit 40 degrees.
Anyway, so far so good.
Monday, after driving to and from the hospital, I just about made it in time for my hairdresser’s appointment. It was a close call. And adding insult to injury, a metal piece of my retainer came lose and stabbed my tongue all the time. The orthodontist fixed it a day later by putting a bit of glue on it. Simple fix which took 5 minutes. My tongue was sore by that time, I even managed to injure my lip.
Went to the zoo with Ron, stepdaughter and her husband.
Ron took the parrot with him. He was a big hit with children who came up to Ron and asked: “Sir, can you take a photo of me with the bird?” LOL.
Below: Parrot meeting penguin.
Below: On a day that the weather was good, I wore my Big Bird jacket. (Link to original post.) I still love it.
If you notice some peculiar use of the English language, it is because my English editor is on holiday.
I had a problem with my blog as I couldn’t access my dashboard with which I create new posts. Just in time (Sunday afternoon), my tech lady knew how to fix it. That was a close one.
I absolutely covet your Big Bird jacket! Lovely color, fabric…I am enthralled!
So do I. Really quirky. I always get a lot of (nice) comments when I wear it. Thanks for teaching me another word, enthralled.
I wear this with white wide leg pants and orange sleeveless top to match.
Sounds like a very good idea. As long as the temperature allows it LOL.
I love the wide leg jean. Although I prefer a midrise instead of the high rise oant. Blazer is iconic. You go girl!
I agree with you Mary, the midrise trousers were far easier for me than the high rise ones. Especially because my upper body is short. But I thought, I’d give it a try anyway.
Yes to the mid rise. I find it more comfy
I agree.
I love your style and your colors. My problem is finding the jeans the wide leg jeans could you steer me in the direction where I could purchase those but I think your clothes are beautiful. I will continue watching thank you.
Sorry Muriel, I don’t really have an idea where to purchase wide leg jeans as I can find them everywhere in the Netherlands. I just assumed, it would be the same in other countries. I do know a Scandinavian brand that does good ones. Mine is of that brand as well:
I absolutely adore the orange blazer! Fabulous use of color. It seems as if all anyone here in NY wears is black so it’s very refreshing to see such a lovely orange color. I hope your mom is feeling much better. Love from the US♥️
When I go clothes shopping, I always scan for colour. Also, because I have a hard time to imagine how clothes on a rack will look on me. At least when I like the colour, I already have one box ticked.
Sending good thoughts for your mother’s recovery. It can be very stressful to navigate those times. I love many of your outfits but I was really taken by this week’s one. You look very stunning in the orange blazer. As always, I enjoy your pictures of the Netherlands. They bring back many happy personal memories of my time in Europe.
So glad my blog can kindle happy memories. I find it fascinating how different readers love such different outfits. I thought I looked quite all right in the orange blazer, you say stunning. Thank you.
I don’t normally like oversized blazers, but that doesn’t look too lucked out getting the blazer on sale. My kind of gal. I like the outfit!!im 80 and would wear it. I like color.
I was not going to buy the orange blazer as I already have so many but I caved when I saw the discount. Kudos for you for wearing such a bright colour at 80! You rock.
I’m very sorry to read of your Mother’s pneumonia scare. Glad she is doing better.
We took her back to the nursing home on Thursday and she is quite perky again, although still rather tired.
Hope your Mum is doing well and feeling better.
I like this outfit and especially the combo of stripes and bright color. I think the proportions work for you…you can carry the longer and oversized pieces well because you’re taller. (And that orange is fabulous on you!)
Still love the “big bird” jacket too.
Mum is indeed doing much better and Ron and I will take her back to the nursing home tomorrow.
Karlijn of kpa.haarlem came up with the idea of the striped shirt underneath the orange. I cannot claim fame for that.
I too still adore the big bird jacket.
Thx for sharing
Well, sharing is the essence of social media.
I love your zest for life and you remind me of me. Are you on Instagram? Please follow me @elliewellness + I will do the same. You look amazing and love your outfits. Enjoy this day sister💗💗💗
Thank you for the compliment Ellie. I looked you up on Instagram. I saw lots of yoga photos. I tried yoga several times but with an arthrosis knee, you don’t get very far. Instagram is not a favourite medium for me, I only used it to ‘advertise’ my blog. I use the same name on IG.
Hello….I stumbled upon your post while scrolling….I enjoyed reading about your fashion choices and sharing your personal life. I especially like that you are confident enough to be a fashionista and you’re not a twenty-something! This coming from a very young 70 year old mad-about clothes gal who’s always been up on fashion trends….(remember the original platform boots and maxi dresses anyone?)….So good for you and I’ll keep following for your latest style updates! Thank you!
Oh what fun, a new reader. I will be 70 in six months and I am also a mad-about clothes gal. That is what started this blog. That and the fact that I love writing, sharing and I am an extreme extrovert haha. I hope I can keep you entertained every week.
Hey Ladies..compared to me you are still young chicks..I’m 77 loved the outfit..I have a bright Coral oversized jacket and wear it the same way! Life is good here in Washington state or as we like to..The Good Washington!
Thanks Judy. Having fun with clothes and dressing doesn’t stop as we get older, does it?
Loes you are stunning your legs are outstanding!!
Who are you giving this compliment about the legs to? To Loes or me? Well, thank you anyway.
Oh gosh, Greetje, that must have been so stressful about your mum. Sending her and you good vibes! <3
I love your big-on-big look – that orange blazer is fabulous. I have a similar one (with white lining) and it's surprising how versatile it is. As always, I'm envious how good you look in big trousers! Loes' brown ensemble is perfect for the season.
Ha, I love that Ron is really just becoming The Parrot Guy! That bird needs its own blog.
Oh yes, that was stressful. Luckily mum is recovering well and Ron and I will take her back to the nursing home tomorrow. Yay.
Do let me know why the orange blazer is versatile. I haven’t seen that yet as I am a terrible stylist.
Loes did well, didn’t she?
I don’t know how long Ron will continue with the jokes. He doesn’t like me telling him that the joke is no good as I cannot translate it to English. For instance when the big part of the joke is a play on (Dutch) words. He doesn’t like my criticism haha. The BVA girls get all the jokes and love them.
Wow you are so gorgeous in your outfit. I am thinking of wearing the same style. Perhaps we are the same age by this time. I am already 62 this December. Thanks a lot for your style posts. God Bless.
Thank you for the compliments. I am glad I could inspire you. I am 69.
Sending best wishes to your Mum. When your email arrives, I think ooh goodie, what will she be wearing today. Then as I click on the link I now think I hope the parrot makes an appearance 🙂 So this weeks parrot adventure was priceless!
“Ooh goodie” is music to my ears. Thanks for that comment. I have asked Ron to continue with the parrot jokes, but sometimes he creates jokes which are great but cannot be translated because it holds a play with words which do not translate. I don’t know how much longer he will be keeping it up.
Mum will be going back to the nursing home on Thursday. Ron and I will take her. She is doing well.
Ron is certainly having fun with that parrot! Like others here, was concerned when your post didn’t land in my email on Sunday and relieved to receive it today. I’m glad you got the problem sorted out. Technology is great, but it sure can be frustrating! I love the striped top with the vibrant orange blazer!
It is not Ron who is having the most fun with the parrot, it is me and my BVA friends. They said that they love how much fun a silly present to me is bringing them haha.
Yes, it was a nerve wrecking weekend where the blog was concerned. But all is well that ends well.
The striped top with the orange blazer was an idea of Karlijn, the owner of kpa.haarlem. I cannot adorn myself with borrowed plumes (is that the right expression?)
Yes, that is the right expression, though not one that I’ve heard used very often.
Not many people use the old expressions anymore.
Love the outfit and wide leg jeans – very much back in fashion here in the US. Glad your mum is on the mend. I also was worried when your blog email did not land in my box on Sunday and all I could find was last week’s edition. Was relieved when I saw it today. Take care and I hope your mum continues to improve and get back home.
Wide jeans/trousers are huge in the Netherlands.
I had big worries about the blog this weekend. Luckily all is well that ends well.
Mum will be going back to the nursing home tomorrow (Thursday). Yay. Ron and I will take her.
Have you had your colours done? If so which season are you?
Yes, I have had my colours done and it was well worth its money. Most of the things I knew but I did not know that the colour ‘jeans’ near my face was awful and that the colours yellow and orange were great colours near my face. No idea which season I am. It is too long ago. I shoved it in a drawer somewhere, but I do know my colours by heart. Hmmm…maybe it is not such a bad idea to search for that card again. I know the big dramatic things (bright colours anytime) but I cannot remember the nuances. Thanks for putting me on this idea.
So sorry about your mum, and remembering those emergency moments from my own mother’s later life (for instance, when I was unusually away for a day in Sevenoaks Kent, and emergency services whisked her off to a terrible hospital beside Wormwood Scrubs prison! instead of contacting her her own doctor – not that we have such luxuries as an ‘own doctor nowadays in the UK), or the time she too got pneumonia very suddenly and was not diagnosed soon enough, but did recover with intravenous antibiotics. These are quite miraculous and I hope that your mother will start to see improvement quite soon.
By coincidence I bought a copy of The Oldie magazine today and saw Haarlem praised as ” a delightful little city — all the nicest bits of Amsterdam without the sleaze and grime”! Is that praise or patronage?? Not quite sure… The writer came to see the Hals museum and also stayed at the Lion d’Or hotel and ate at the Locael Centraal, fyi.
I LOVE the Big Bird jacket. I’ve not seen it before, because I’ve only recently connected with your blog. I also need to tell you that yesterday on the bus an elderly man got on with a huge Macaw on his shoulder. The bird was very well-behaved and I think most of the passengers were awed by it. A hush fell!
My mum was on intravenous antibiotics as well. She went into hospital on the night of Saturday to Sunday and will be released on the Thursday a week later, so that is one and a half week in hospital. Not bad for a severe pneumonia.
Haarlem is indeed sort of a small Amsterdam with little crime or homeless people. What I don’t like about Haarlem is the lack of humour (Amsterdam is famous for its own kind of humour). And I don’t like the fact that there is no diversity here. All white people. I miss the mix and match of the big city. It gave me a sense of freedom.
Nice that the Macaw was taken to places by its owner. I hope that he is careful with cold and draught.
I once opened the door for a boy who was collecting money for charity and he had a pet rat in his hood, running over his shoulders. I told him that I thought it was cute but that it would scare the hell out of some people.
So glad your mom is feeling better. You look great in the orange blazer outfit, but I was happy to see the Big Bird jacket again. Love it!
It is good, isn’t it, the Big Bird jacket. I so remember my friends’disapproval of it. Later on, after I styled it this way, they agreed it was a good choice. Sometimes I do see it.
The wide leg jeans are available everywhere in the US. I love wide leg jeans. I had a pair from years ago that I literally wore through the denim.
Some of our purchases are a real hit and you keep wearing them. It would be so nice if we could predict it when we buy.
Love this outfit on you. The proportions and the colors look great. I’m
glad your mother is feeling better. Have a good week.
I had a little bit of doubt about this outfit so I am pleased with your comment. The blazer might look even better on other trousers.
So pleased you and your mum are both ok. I was worried when your post didn’t appear until today (for me, maybe earlier for others?). I hope your mum is regaining her strength.
You look fantastic in the blazer and combo. I love bright colours on you.
You always look great! Even when you are tough on yourself and occasional comments agree, it’s obvious that you outshine most people stylistically!
It’s a sad fact that here in the UK so many people wear very drab clothes, that do not ‘sing’!
Believe me, I was worried too about the blog. Mum needs time to recover.
Bright colours love me as much as I love them.
You are right that I probably do usually look pretty all right, because of my obsession with clothes and styling (she said very modestly LOL). In the Netherlands many people also choose drab clothes. It is not that difficult to shine.
Does Ron know that the parrot is not a live bird?
I really like the wide legged jeans with the jacket on you.
I hope your mum recovers well.
Oh, he certainly knows the bird is not a live bird haha. But I love the jokes he comes up with.
Thanks for your good wishes for mum.
A very wearable outfit. And of course, it goes without saying that It is nice that your mom has good care.
I agree on both your comments LOL. I nearly didn’t reply on your comment, nearly missed it.
Great colour jacket for you!Happy to hear your mum is oké now. Crazy wifes have crazy hubbies, lol.
Thanks Marolein. Indeed a colour for me, nice and bright. And thank you for regarding me as not normal. I like that.