Red and pink skirt outfitBecause of all the rain, I had asked my friend Marjolein to try and find an indoor spot for a photo shoot with great big, high windows to let in a lot of light. The red and pink skirt outfit isn’t new. I wore it originally with a red jumper and other boots. But hey, this counts right? It is another combination and from my own wardrobe.

Below: Marjolein found a shopping mall with indeed, a lot of natural light. There aren’t that many shopping malls in the Netherlands. Usually one or two per (larger) city. Not at all like the USA. We prefer to shop in the centre of a town or village with a variety of small shops. Because of internet shopping, the small shops often go out of business because they cannot compete. More and more shops are now empty or replaced by yet another restaurant or café. We are so afraid that the loveliness of shopping in a town centre will disappear.

Shopping mall

Anyhow, we started outside on the parking deck as it didn’t rain (that much).

Below: Marjolein in purple. She is wearing the same knitted trousers as last week, but this time with a long matching cardigan and scarf. Also another (colourful) top with matching earrings.

Marjolein in purple

Below: I asked her to reveal more of the top.

Marjolein in purple

Below: So here we are, more top, more bag, more trousers on show. We hoped that there would be a “skyline” of The Hague in the photo, but no, everything is blurry. It makes Marjolein stand out though.

Marjolein in purple

Below: The exit of the parking deck looks like a UFO haha. And I am trying to fly. Not a bad balance for a 69-year-old woman on heels.

Red and pink skirt outfit

Below: We started at the top floor of the shopping mall. See how well the pink of the jumper matches the pink shade in the skirt? It isn’t the same pink but it is the same tone. (Ron doesn’t like this pink bit in the skirt. Strange.) The earrings (by Lara Design) are black and white striped with a red button on my earlobe.

Red and pink skirt outfit

Below: A bit of “fluffing up my hair” before the next shots. I always carry a mirror, a brush and a comb with me on a shoot.

Red and pink skirt outfit

Then Marjolein looked down to the ground floor and directed me there with instructions.

Below: I had to lay down on this bench and pull up my leg. I will admit, it is magazine worthy. At least, I think so.

Red and pink skirt outfit

Below: Marjolein descended to the first floor and I acted like a diva. (Kitty would have told me off for showing the soles of my boots.

Red and pink skirt outfit

Below: A close-up of Marjolein’s bag.

Purple bag Marjolein

Below: And a close-up of my cream Furla bag (years old).

Cream bag Furla

Time for lunch. The only place that served food and drinks in the mall was McDonalds. Bummer. There used to be a nice restaurant, but this mall is deteriorating and will be torn down in the near future and that is noticeable.

Below: I couldn’t resist this tourist set-up.

Me and Ronald McDonald

I always feel a bit stressed when I don’t have blog photos in stock, but now I have photos for another two weeks. Yay.

On the way home I got a speeding ticket. Bummer. I will have to pay better attention next time.

What happened in my life this week

Saturday my BVA friends and I got together at Marianna’s new home. Poor thing was feeding guests since they moved in. Everybody wants to see the house, which is brand new and lovely. But she did invite us, so she brought it upon herself. Being the host of one of our get-togethers is quite the task. Of course we take it in turns to host.
Contrary to the rest of the week, the weather was good all day. Amazing.
We shopped in the cute little town where Marianna moved to. We nearly made it back home without me buying anything when I saw a sales lady with a pair of man repeller jeans and I instantly fell for its bow legs.

Sunday I talked for an hour and a half through FaceTime with my friend Anja, who moved to Spain where it is still gorgeous weather. So pleasant to catch up.

Monday was a quiet day with fitness and a blood draw to check whether my new medication against migraine is not affecting me in a bad way. Some reading and blogging and the day passed quickly. I styled the man repeller jeans and expected Ron to hate them. Surprise, surprise, he likes them. The man in unpredictable. (When I say “styled”, I mean I copied the sales lady LOL.)

Tuesday my doctor called me to tell me about the blood draw results. All values of kidney and such were still good, but not as good as they were three months ago. So I will continue with the medicine and have another check-up in three months. I bet this won’t end well.

The plumber came to replace something in the shower tap. That took 5 minutes and he stayed two hours drinking coffee. Of course he doesn’t charge us for that, he just likes chatting with us. At least I don’t think he overcharges but I never know because I always pay what he asks. Plumbers are so hard to find and he always comes so quickly when I need him, that I do not question the bill.

Wednesday I had lunch (and coffee) with Peggy. She operated the camera as well to provide me with even more blog photos. We only did a minimum of shopping, went into one shop and I managed to buy a coat. I am terrible.

Below: Peggy, former colleague (a long time ago) who became a friend, having tuna tartare. The crackles behind her are in the mirrored wall.
She loves earrings, is intelligent, confident, knows her trade (marketing and communication) and is a joy to be with. I am so lucky with my friends.


Below: I can show you this photo as you won’t be able to guess the entire outfit we shot.
I had Eggs Benedict with salmon for lunch. Yummy.

Me having lunch with Peggy

Thursday mum had an appointment with the ear doctor in the hospital. She gets ear wax blockades from her hearing aids which means the aids don’t fit properly in her auricle and start producing a terribly high-pitched whistle. Of course it was foul weather again. Last time we went for her eye injection in June it was Code Red (nobody should go outside unless it is really necessary). This time it was Code Yellow/Orange (preferably don’t go outside). We assessed the situation and decided to dare. Everything went fine, thank goodness.
Early afternoon we picked up dog Watson from our friends who looked after him that morning and lingered a bit, having coffee and speculoos (it’s that time of year again).
Below: I wore my flared jeans, flat black suede booties, striped shirt and my oversized orange blazer. It is hard to see as it was so dark when I took the photo. Bad weather. The black and white houndstooth shopper was a present from Marianne.

Oversized orange blazer with flared jeans

Friday was a day of running errands, trying to avoid the showers. Bloody rain, I am fed up with it. But yes, I know nature needs it. My hair on the other hand does not.
We had our friends Georg and Marla over for dinner. Ron got a bit stressed as he is the cook and started dinner a bit late. I tried to support him as well as I could.

Ron continued with his parrot jokes but they are often a word play which cannot be translated. My BVA friends love them though and so do many others.


No Fear of Fashion


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