Pebble coloured trousers with a neon pink top

Pebble coloured trousers with a neon pink top

Remember I showed you these trousers before with an orange and cream top and I didn’t like the combination? This time I combined the pebble coloured trousers with a neon pink top and I love it. I think both are a bit ‘arty’. I wore this combination...
Neon pink top

Neon pink top

My great new camera is performing so well. Even friends, who have no photographic experience take pretty good images with it. Not all photos are fantastic, after all it is a skill, but most of them are good enough to publish. Such a big difference to my previous...
Orange leather skirt with a pink jumper in The Hague

Orange leather skirt with a pink jumper in The Hague

Those of you who love Dutch buildings are in for a treat as there are many of them in this post. Naturally, the orange leather skirt is the main feature, combined with a bright pink jumper and toned down with black accents. I got the inspiration from Marc Cain (see...
Pink and orange brooch, created by an artist

Pink and orange brooch, created by an artist

These boots are definitely made for walking. Their third appearance on the blog is with this red and pink pleated skirt, nicely matched (haha) with an orange and pink brooch. I adore the brooch but it is a pain in the you-know-what, to wear it. It is heavy and pulls...
Pink orange maxi dress

Pink orange maxi dress

The shorts which I had bought went back to the store, however cute they were and instead I bought this pink orange maxi dress. I love maxi dresses as they give me the opportunity to wear flat shoes with them rather than high heels. I call this colour ‘pink...
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