Pink orange maxi dress

Pink orange maxi dress

The shorts which I had bought went back to the store, however cute they were and instead I bought this pink orange maxi dress. I love maxi dresses as they give me the opportunity to wear flat shoes with them rather than high heels. I call this colour ‘pink...
Green and yellow silk blouse, so pretty.

Green and yellow silk blouse, so pretty.

There is a saying in the Netherlands ‘Wat je van ver haalt, is lekker’, meaning ‘What you bring (fetch) from far away must be good’. It is a nonsense phrase of course as you can get beautiful things nearby too. In the case of this green and...
Green jacket with a red and pink bag

Green jacket with a red and pink bag

This week some outfit photos and some funny stories. With the staying at home rule it is harder to take blog photos. However, husband Ron came to the rescue. In his little shed at the community garden he took these shots of my green jacket by Irié Wash. The jacket is...
Bright pink jacket with houndstooth leggings and retirement

Bright pink jacket with houndstooth leggings and retirement

Husband Ron took this photo despite his aversion to taking my blog photos, bless him. He is now painting the shed as he didn’t like this rustic wood vibe. Next time he takes photos in the garden, it will be all lovely. I did some styling with stuff from my...
Bright pink jacket and leopard trousers

Bright pink jacket and leopard trousers

This photo does sort of jumps off the screen, doesn’t it? The owner of the shop (kpa. Haarlem) suggested the combination of the bright pink jacket with the leopard trousers. I was only in the shop to look at the new spring items and chatted with the owner. No...
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