Black and white blazer with baggy jeans

Black and white blazer with baggy jeans

Not a laughing face for a change. Ninety-five percent of the time I am smiling when a blog photo is taken. My normal expression is “a resting bitch face”. This photo above is not even the worst I can look. I was wearing a black and white blazer with baggy...
Pebble coloured trousers with a neon pink top

Pebble coloured trousers with a neon pink top

Remember I showed you these trousers before with an orange and cream top and I didn’t like the combination? This time I combined the pebble coloured trousers with a neon pink top and I love it. I think both are a bit ‘arty’. I wore this combination...
Neon yellow top with cognac coloured trousers

Neon yellow top with cognac coloured trousers

When I wear this outfit and walk into a room, people definitely notice me haha. I am never afraid to stand out or draw attention. Not because I am arrogant or conceited, just confident. Probably because there are very few people who are unpleasant towards me. No idea...
An atypical trouser suit

An atypical trouser suit

Most trouser suits I have seen, have jackets with sleeves. Mine hasn’t, it is rather different. Not only is it sleeveless, the jacket and the trousers are an unusual style, which is why I call it an atypical trouser suit. I bought it at kpa.haarlem, after...
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