When I wear this outfit and walk into a room, people definitely notice me haha. I am never afraid to stand out or draw attention. Not because I am arrogant or conceited, just confident. Probably because there are very few people who are unpleasant towards me. No idea why that is but I am very thankful for it. I like bright colours and if I think I look good, what can go wrong?
This neon yellow top is the same as the neon pink top I wore in this post. Obviously it is from the same shop, Vintage No5 in Alkmaar, although not vintage but new.
Loes was my photographer and I chose a spot in Haarlem I had used before, wearing another bright combination.
Below: Loes, my photographer of the day.
Below: In this neighbourhood a former hospital was converted into apartments for elderly people with a lot of money. It is expensive but they do have a good cook, big rooms and harp concerts. Obviously not meant for me. The home got new owners I think as it has changed name and is now part of a chain. Yes dear readers, even old folks homes can be part of a chain.
Below: The top of the entrance and the ornament at the top.
Below: Close-up of the ornament. Presumably Johannes de Deo (John of God) as this was the name of the building when it was still a hospital.
Below: What a lovely building to use as background.
Below: We walked around the neighbourhood where modern houses were built. Look at that cat on the left bench. Sheer bliss.
Below: What a lovely vista. Those two modern houses seem to frame the old church. I wonder whether the architect created this deliberately.
Below: We walked to the church and passed a low wall with trees behind it. Walking like an Egyptian here. I seem to have found my balance again, as I didn’t feel scared anymore, like I did last year.
Below: The back of the church called Heilig Hart (Holy Heart). The church has been converted. They left the outside completely as it was and erected a new building on the inside, creating 67 (small) apartments. Most of them are one room apartments. Read more about this conversion and the rental apartments here.
Below: The front of the church. I pinched this photo from the internet and it was taken by Jane.
Below: There is a very nice park nearby.
Below: Loes took this photo of my back and I think from this angle, the top looks a bit silly. In reality it is more flattering than it seems.
Below: Now this is a better shot. I deliberately chose this bag as not to be perfectly colour co-ordinated.
When I published the post featuring my grey trousers, one reader commented that she thought it was so chic that the shade of my shoes was used sparingly to good effect instead of being too matchy matchy. I agreed and resisted wearing my blue belt with today’s outfit as well.
Below: Details.
Below: The belt. This is the Loewe belt which you saw in black in this post with my zig-zag skirt. It is the same belt as it is reversible. Two for the price of one.
Below: Loes couldn’t resist taking this shot after I pointed out that there was an orange/red heart in the pink flower. Lovely shot.
Below: As usual the afternoon ended with coffee at a café. Well, tea for Loes. Looking at this photo I remembered from my pink neon top that I have to use fashion tape to stop the collar from flopping.
Jolly nice shoot.
What happened in my life this week
Visited mum on Saturday this week instead of Sunday as my SIL’s birthday was on Sunday. Totally forgot to take a photo of her.
My SIL’s birthday on Sunday was like an embrace, ever so nice. It is good to see the whole family again. We used to see each other more often than these days.
Below: Next to me is my nephew’s wife and the one on the right is my niece. My brother and SIL have three children and they all have children so it was more crowded than you’d think seeing this photo. I love them all very much.
Monday I saw the dentist and he is going to replace one of my fillings in a fortnight, yuck. I told him that I prefer seeing him every half year and then him telling me that everything is fine. Which for many years, has been the case. Never mind, what needs to be done, needs to be done.
In the afternoon the physiotherapist treated me again and relieved me from a painful neck and got rid of the last knots in my calves’ muscles. Nothing to report on the rest of the day.
Tuesday was lovely. Kitty and I started with a photo shoot at 9 a.m. It went ever so well, which means you get to see many photos again next Sunday. Too hard to choose. As standard procedure we had coffee as you can see below. Honestly, my days are filled with friends and coffee in cafés. You don’t hear me complaining.
Late afternoon Ron and I walked dog Watson at the seaside and fetched delicious Indonesian food for dinner. Neither of us feel like cooking after being to the beach. Below: me with beach hair and a pimple on my nose.
Wednesday I played hooky from fitness. Bad, bad girl. I need the fitness to maintain my body functioning well. Just not this day. I think it is because I wanted to rebel against being obligated to do anything. Had enough to do around the house and with blogging.
In the afternoon I met Helga for coffee (whahaha…again). See below.
Below: I was wearing white jeans and sneakers with my green wide shirt that Wednesday. (See original post for shirt.) Because a pastel colour near my face doesn’t do me any favours, I used my colourful earrings by Lara Design to brighten things up. The addition of the red patent leather tote is a stroke of luck. I read that patent leather and bright colours are very trendy and this one is in my wardrobe for years.
Below: As you cannot see the earrings very well in the photos, here is a close-up. Remember them?
In the evening we celebrated Georg and Marla’s 50th wedding anniversary. They married young (and not because they had to; get your mind out of the gutter). It was a very joyful evening.
Thursday was a lazy day. Just washed my hair and did odd bits around the house like fixing the fastening of the curtain rail. (Not just a pretty face, you know.)
Below: Ron came home from Amsterdam with this photo of a shop selling nothing but rubber ducks haha.
Friday I met my friend Aafke. After a chatty afternoon with some shopping (I fell hard for an expensive bag), we had a delicious dinner. Needless to say that both weight and finances are going in the wrong direction.
Below: Bad selfie of Aafke and me. She is such a wonderful woman.
That was the week.
Little dilemma. The other day I visited a new to me blog of a woman featuring clothes, like I do. I noticed that she had the same smile in every photo which struck me as rather fake. Of course I immediately realized I do the same. I want to change that but am scared. My resting face is rather droopy; makes me look like a sourpuss. Not something that makes you happy. Perhaps I have to experiment with different expressions with Kitty.
Please don’t change a thing. You, your blog and your smile are all delightful! Don’t overthink things.
Thanks. I am flattered.
The neon green is fabulous on you and, as always, I really enjoyed the photos of the Netherlands too. Your blog is so down-to-earth and grounding, a real treat to look forward to each week.
That is so what I am hoping for. Being a bit like a favourite magazine. Perhaps I should do different articles about all sorts of subjects. Hmmm…better not. Never change a winning team, right?
I also have the same (big, toothy) smile! I wouldn’t worry about it – it’s never struck me that your smile looks the same, aside from “What a nice smile Greetje has!”
Love the neon top, and the blue shoes with the caramel pants are so perfect. I like the small pops of blue (the earrings, bracelet), and agree that a blue bag would be too matchy.
I want to retire and have coffee and photo shoots every day! It looks so fun!
You are right, as your smile never struck me as fake either. We must be good at smiling haha.
I was really pleased with myself for coming up with the combination of these three colours. I am improving.
Yes all those coffee dates and photo shoots are lovely. But I still have to come to terms with the fact that I don’t achieve anyting anymore of which I can be proud of. Oh well, different phase in my life, different goals?
Greetje, you have a fabulous blog and maintain a loyal following. That is an achievement to be proud of. Love the top btw. Your styling skills are good, I think maybe you have under-rated these skills in the past. Take care.
What a lovely compliment. I suppose it is because I am already blogging for 10 years that I do not see it as an achievement anymore. But you are right, I am proud of my little blog and so grateful for my loyal readers.
I am not a born stylist and I have often had a miss but apparently you can learn a lot.
“Days filled with friends and coffee in cafes”–how nice! The neon yellow looks great on you. You are looking very slim and trim. I will be interested to see what different expressions you come up with. I have never thought you looked fake. Authentic.
I will keep the smile. Nobody wants me to change it. But I will practice with Kitty. What you will never see is the miserable expression models have in fashion magazines.
Thank you for another wonderful post. Loved seeing the church and reading about its new life as apartments. So innovative.
A lot of big buildings are converted into apartments these days. Mainly office buildings. It helps to fight the shortage of houses in the Netherlands.
As for the wonderful post…you are very welcome.
The top is very beautiful and original, both for the color and for the design. The combination with the cognac color is precious and very attractive crmatically. I love your shoes, it’s the perfect complement to this outfit. Beautiful close-up, as always, with beautiful blue jewelry, beautiful accessories to match your shoes. I love your green dress, it’s beautiful.
I was rather proud of myself to come up with this combination or cognac-coloured trousers, neon yellow top and blue accessories. Perhaps I am finally learning how to style? What do you think? Have I improved over these 10 years? (Be honest please.)
My dear Greetje, you have improved a lot and you know it. The influences of other bloggers and your maturity have separated you more and more from that medieval style that I criticized you so much, with love.
Now your style is more classic and elegant, without ever falling into boredom, because you always add that informal touch that is so yours. I have witnessed your evolution and I feel happy.
Hahaha, with the black trousers which you called medieval. I remember. Of course you were right. Still, you followed me from the beginning when I had bloopers. I am surprised you call my style more classic and elegant, as I am still nowhere near (for instance) Daniela’s style. My friend Anja is quite pleased with my change of style over the years because, according to her, I have become less classic. (She is bohemian.)
I love all the colour combinations in these photos, particularly the tobacco trousers with the neon top. I have something similar in my wardrobe, so I need to dig these items out for the autumn.
Like others, I hadn’t noticed you had the same smile in all of your photos.
Enjoy your week!
The jury is unanimous…the smile stays.
Enjoy combining your tobacco trousers with the neon top (or any yellow). You might think of adding a subtle extra colour with accessories, like I did with the blue.
I learned a great trick from Drew Barrymore’s Instagram feed. If you have a pimple on your face get some eye drops (the kind that reduces redness) and put it on your pimple. It will take the redness out. It worked for me, might for you too.
Sounds like a good tip but I don’t have any eye drops to reduce redness. Doctors and opticiens in the Netherlands aren’t keen on them as they say they can increase the chance of a heart attack. I just hide the pimple with concealer and wait until it is gone. That only takes a couple of days.
The outfit of the week is very nice indeed. You do not come off as having a fake smile or fake anything. Really enjoyed the photos. Thank you
Thanks for the feedback on the smile. I will keep it haha.
It is always ever so nice to hear a reader enjoyed my post. Thanks for that as well.
Please, don’t stop smiling—it is your personality, and that is why everyone is pleasant towards you. Great color combination, and your shoe collection is to die for!
I promise, I won’t stop smiling. You are all unanimous on this.
As for my shoes…hmm, I do have many lovely shoes. A bit of an addiction.
Good Afternoon from North Carolina USA! You have the most fantastic style – even if it’s different from my own – and when heads turn in a room when you walk in – so be it – you own that room!
I was told once that I dress “oddly” – my own style which is just fun – and don’t you know it the person who told me that soon after started dressing like me – and now she has moved away and I am happy about that!
What a lovely compliment. I don’t know whether I agree, but I won’t argue.
When someone tells you, you dress “oddly”, it is just because they are afraid to try anything but the usual boring things. Dismiss such remarks. I have often gotten the question whether I was going to a party, the way I was dressed. I replied: “Sure, every day you are healthy, is a reason to party”. That shuts them up.
I have to say that I have never noticed whether or not you have the same smile in every post — I don’t think you do, but I don’t care. I like your smile!
Great colour combination in your outfit — I always enjoy seeing how you combine colours. And, as always, lovely scenic photos!
It is a fact, the smile stays haha.
The combination of these three colours is quite a find. I saw someone combining brown and yellow and I was just wearing these cognac-coloured trousers. So I got inspired. Adding the blue just popped up in my brain. I must be getting better at styling (grin).
Hello Smiler!
Don’t even think about trying to change your countenance. Just stay spontaneous because if you try to be different it just won’t work. I am tired of the bored gazes of many professional models – why would sponsors think a miserable look sells clothes? – and would certainly choose to see your smiley face any time!
As usual, lovely clothes, and lovely photos including a happy family. Have a good week. It’s not going to be that good over here given the loss of our Queen but we are so grateful for having had her for so long.
And you keep smiling!
It is indeed a big loss, the death of Queen Elizabeth. She was such a dutiful woman. I liked her.
I agree about the models with miserable expressions. WHY? I cannot think of a reason so I will keep on smiling. You are right in saying that if I try to be different, it probably won’t work.
What a beautiful little neighborhood and I love the color combo of your outfit. I have jeans in that color and a sweater in a similar color to your top, I may have to try wearing them together! It is hard to come up with different facial expressions or poses and I think it makes a difference to when you have someone taking your pictures versus doing it yourself. Doing my own photos I often forget to smile, because I am thinking about how my outfit looks or how I am standing. Too much to think about. Ha, ha. – Amy
It is getting harder to find new areas for our shoots, but fortunately you cannot remember all the neighbourhoods we’ve already been haha.
From the reactions to my ‘to smile or not to smile’ questions, I take it, it is fine as it is. And I do agree that taking your own photos is much harder.
You are lucky. I just cannot wear those neon colors. I am a winter so I stick to black and primary colors like bright pink, navy, and turquoise. You would consider it very boring! lol. I too, give a really fake smile. My husband tries to make me laugh before he takes a pic so at least i look more relaxed. Love seeing all the photos from the week cause we get to see everything you wear!!
There are many winter colours. More than the ones you just wrote. And they don’t have to be boring at all. If it suits you and make you sparkle, then they are fantastic. As that is all they have to do.
I don’t always post a photo of the things I wear during the week. A long time ago I said that it is too restrictive for me to do that. Sometimes I want to us an item to come up with a new outfit and then I don’t want to show it.
Thanks for all of the great photos. I’m not a fan of neon or earth colors, but you can certainly carry them off!
I love the church made into apartments. I’ve always wanted to live in a building that used to be something else. It hasn’t happened yet, but who knows – maybe some day.
I agree with you about the dentist. Last week, I had to have a filling and a crown replaced. I always assumed they would last forever.
Have a great week. By the way, I have never thought that you always have the same expression. You just always look happy to me which is great!
Many buildings in the Netherlands are getting a new purpose. Office buildings are being converted into apartments all the time. I hope for you that you will live in a nice one too.
Thanks for the feedback on the smile/expression. I feel a bit better now.
Looking stylish in neon pink! And the smile is yours. Not fake to me anyway😏
Thanks, I felt quite stylish too. Also thanks for the smile compliment.
Love those cognac trousers and the whole outfit here! I think the top looks fun from the back…the volume makes a statement and is balanced out by the slim trousers.
You live in such a pretty town. Wish I could pop over and meet you for coffee!
Thanks. I was rather content with myself for coming up with this outfit.
As for coffee…how about Facetime?