Bright green shirt with blue and white pinstripe trousersWhat a fun morning this was. Kitty and I did a photo shoot at a restaurant (Villa Westend) with a beach at a lake, just a few miles from the centre of Haarlem. You wouldn’t know that you are near a city.

Styling a bright green shirt with 3 different pairs of trousers and shoes and 3 different bags. To show you different options. Be warned; you’ll get to see many photos, even though this amount is only 1/3 of what we shot. Kitty took photos fit for a magazine, with lots of lovely detail pictures. Alas, my blog hasn’t got the proper lay-out to do her photos justice.

Let me start by showing you the setting.

Below: There was to be a wedding in the afternoon and evening. Look at the marvellous set-up. The restaurant is to the right, up the steps and has this fantastic view.

Wedding preparations at Villa Westend

Below: Close-up of the flowers.

Wedding preparations at Villa Westend

Below: These flowers waited inside as it was so hot outside. They would have wilted.

Wedding preparations at Villa Westend


With yellow and silver earrings, a green bag, blue and white pinstripes trousers and silver pumps


Below: The first pair of trousers has blue and white pinstripes. Wearing silver pumps, yellow and silver earrings and a green bag. As the shirt is rather airy it is so comfortable to wear and perfect for hot days. (Link to original post with these trousers.)

Bright green shirt with blue and white pinstripe trousers

Below: The sunlight was rather bright.
Apparently the ducks use the end of this jetty as their gathering place. I feel for the person who has to clean this.

Bright green shirt with blue and white pinstripe trousers

Below: Kitty is like my husband. She wants a nice photo and if that means the model has to stand in the sand, slowly sinking away, that is no skin off her nose.

Bright green shirt with blue and white pinstripe trousers

Below: You can see the pinstripes better in this photo where I am unbuckling the shoes.

silver pumps

Below: Incredible how much sand a dainty shoe like this can hold.

silver pumps


With yellow corrugated cardboard earrings, a yellow bag, pale blue skinnies and rosé golden pumps


Below: Sitting on the steps to the restaurant. The skinnies may appear white but they are pale blue. (Link to original post with these trousers. Scroll down a bit.)

Bright green shirt with pale yellow skinnies

Below: My bag is by Coach. It is rather beautiful but I hardly use it. No idea why. Too formal?

Bright green shirt with pale yellow skinnies

Below: Close-up of the rosé golden pumps. What a terrific vintage find that was. (Perhaps I shouldn’t let Kitty take a photo so close…the veins…haha. Well, it is what it is.)

rosé golden pumps

Below: Close-up of the corrugated cardboard earrings.

Dark yellow corrugated cardboard earrings


With yellow and silver earrings, a white bag, wide dark blue trousers and yellow suede pumps


Below: The earrings are the same as in the first photos and I added a silver belt. Because the trousers are so dark, I thought it would be good to have a light bag for balance. You see that this shirt works just as well with wide trousers as with skinny trousers.
(Link to original post with these wide trousers.)

Bright green shirt with wide blue trousers

Below: Showing off my dainty heels.

Bright green shirt with wide blue trousers

Below: I love this photo at the beach of the restaurant. Again with pumps in the sand.

Bright green shirt with wide blue trousers

Below: Villa Westend has lots of space for mums and dads to sunbathe and children to play. And No, this is not a sponsored post.

The beach at Villa Westend

Below: Close-up of the yellow suede pumps.

Yellow suede pumps

Below: Close-up of the belt.

silver belt

Below: Close-up of the earrings while holding balloons for the wedding. Darling photo.

Rectangle yellow earrings with a silver button

Below: Friends of the bride and groom were creating garlands with balloons and green leaves (not real leaves).

Wedding preparations at Villa Westend

Below: As if this post doesn’t hold enough green, this sweet doggie joined in with his green bandana hahaha.

Sweet doggie

Below: Let us not forget to show a photo of Kitty, the skilled photographer. I should have done a better job of capturing her.


The end. It was a very joyful morning.

What happened in my life this week

Saturday started with a “thank-you” lunch. As you might know, my group of friends, called BVA girls, spent a week’s holiday in Spain. We stayed at Hans and Marijke’s apartment and we wanted to show our gratitude by buying lunch for our hosts. Along with Marijke’s husband Hans, his best friend René joined as Hans didn’t feel safe being alone with 5 women haha. His friend has helped us in Spain so we already knew him.

Below: Couldn’t get the group to fit in the photo properly because Marijke and Claudia insisted on ducking away instead of leaning forward. We had a terrific spot on a terrace near the water. As always we had a lot of fun and laughed a lot.

BVA friends at thank-you lunch

Below: I was wearing my colourful dress/jacket which I bought in Spain. I thought that was appropriate. (See original post.)

At thank-you lunch

Below: Straight after lunch, I rushed home as we had our annual street party. There were about 40 neighbours, the weather was perfect and as usual, there was loads of delicious food. Everybody brings something.

Street party

Below: Of course Sunday was mum-day. Here she is again.


Below: As my mum can appreciate an elegant dress, I wore one. At first she thought it was a tunic with a blue skirt. Her eyesight isn’t too good. I still think it is a very nice dress, but husband Ron is no fan; bummer. (Link to original post.)

Elegant dress on Sunday

Monday was a day of chores. Nothing to report.

Tuesday I had a half-yearly appointment to have my teeth cleaned. In the afternoon Loes and I went on a photo shoot which went very well. It means I am safe for next week’s post. We did some vintage shopping too and Loes scored a pretty jacket.

Wednesday the plumber fixed the leak in the shower and also our heating system. He is a nice chap and we know him since at least 2003.
In the afternoon I took mum to hospital for her first eye injection. The poor soul couldn’t read the letters anymore in the afternoon because of the anaesthetic; everything was blurry. I stayed for a cup of coffee after I drove her home. See her in another top below.


Below: I wore this outfit. Flat shoes because of all the hospital walking. Those shoes are the softest shoes I have ever owned.

Outfit with bright yellow trousers and tunic blouse

Thursday my physiotherapist had to treat my calves as I kept getting spasms at night, even though I exercise my legs and take Magnesium before going to bed.

In the afternoon I drove to Jilske’s house to teach her how to use my old camera which is now hers.
Below: The yellow trousers were still out, so I combined them with my multicoloured shirt as in this beautiful blog post. The high heels were no problem because I didn’t have to walk much. I had the heels changed compared to the shoes in the blog post. They are now a bit lower and sturdier.

Outfit with bright yellow trousers

Later in the afternoon Ron phoned and invited me to come along to the beach to walk dog Watson, so I changed the trousers and shoes. See below.

Shorts to the beach

However, traffic was a spoil-sport. The trains were on strike and everybody took the car which led to busy lanes. To add insult to injury, the roads to Haarlem were also crowded because we have the Grand Prix races in Zandvoort (Zandvoort is very close to Haarlem). Long story short: we didn’t go to the beach.

Friday men came to fix one of our sunscreens. Well, “fix” is not the correct word as the screen is beyond fixing, but they secured it so it won’t tear in winter. Next spring we need new sunscreens.
I did my exercises and hopped on my bike for the last exercise. My bike trip led me into town and I decided to take a look in a second-hand shop. And who did I meet but Loes!?! She had the same idea.
I found the perfect second-hand white summer jacket by a very good brand; a jacket I have been searching for, for a long time. It fitted like a glove but…it was a fitted jacket. Such jackets look really good on me, nevertheless I hesitated as I didn’t know whether fitted jackets were still in fashion. Some research at the end of the day taught me they are still fine. I phoned the shop and they kept it behind the counter for me until I could fetch it on Saturday.

Loes took me to another shop where I found a little jumper (sweater) in my favourite lime colour and in the shape that suits me so well (batwing sleeves). We decided to have lunch together in a nearby restaurant.
Below: Loes and I had lunch on a terrace overlooking a canal.

Terrace overlooking a canal

All in all, it was a fine week.


No Fear of Fashion


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