A psychedelic shirt in Utrecht

A psychedelic shirt in Utrecht

Right…I bet you went “Whoa!” when you opened this post and saw the rather psychedelic shirt I am wearing LOL. I bought it in Paris in that little shop Addicted which sells stuff made by young designers. It means unique and friendly prices. As a young...
BVA friends, allotment garden and family

BVA friends, allotment garden and family

BVA friends, allotment garden and family.. means a bit of everything. Not a very thought-through, well styled (ahem) post but more like a lot of things thrown together. You don’t mind, do you? It is about friends, outfits, husband’s allotment garden and a...
Moss green dress by Bellamy Gallery

Moss green dress by Bellamy Gallery

That was a close call. These photos of my moss green dress were taken yesterday. I nearly had nothing to post. Luckily Ron was prepared to take the pictures and the weather wasn’t bad. Ron found a good spot where I would be protected from rain and wind: a small...
Over the knee boots and a green hat

Over the knee boots and a green hat

One of those things… over the knee boots. Very “Pretty Woman”. Why? Because they are sexy. Why are they sexy? No idea. Most men find women in over the knee boots very attractive even though they cover up quite a bit. I have always liked them....
A dress in yellow, black and white

A dress in yellow, black and white

Finally some sunshine. What a lousy spring this has been. Husband Ron suggested we would do one of our favourite things: go to Amsterdam and drink cappuccino on a terrace facing the busy market of the Lindengracht. I decided to wear my dress in yellow, black and...
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