Bright blue top with a camel, pleated skirt

Bright blue top with a camel, pleated skirt

Now, this, I believe, is a stunner of a photo. Ron had spotted a coleseed field and asked whether I had a bright blue top. Hah, as it so happened, I had this outfit lined up for the next photo shoot. The reasonable weather was over but the pretty yellow flowers were...
Shopping in Haarlem

Shopping in Haarlem

Yes we did it again…. Shopping in Haarlem this time. At the end of one of these Saturdays our little group of friends can hardly wait for the next date. I think we could happily do this at least once a month. Alas, there is not enough money in the bank for that....
A denim jacket at a bloggers’ shoot

A denim jacket at a bloggers’ shoot

Imagine…three bloggers meeting for lunch. What do they bring? Right!! Cameras. All three of them. So meeting Anja (Curly Traveller) and Misja ( for lunch, meant I needed to wear something you hadn’t seen yet. With all the pictures that were bound to be...
Sightseeing in Apeldoorn with my friend Lia

Sightseeing in Apeldoorn with my friend Lia

Once a year my friend Lia and I go away on a long weekend. Funded by my husband Ron as my birthday present. He knows how much I enjoy spending time with her so he provides the means (love him). We have been to Paris (twice), London, Rome, Milan, Copenhagen, Barcelona...
Bangles, boyfriend jeans and a lime coat

Bangles, boyfriend jeans and a lime coat

Ron and I went to see the ruins of castle Brederode in Santpoort (no information available in English). Because I wanted photos and he remembered this place would give us a nice background (tip from my friend Anja). Unfortunately the sun decided to hide behind clouds,...
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