Bright pink jacket with houndstooth leggings and retirement

Bright pink jacket with houndstooth leggings and retirement

Husband Ron took this photo despite his aversion to taking my blog photos, bless him. He is now painting the shed as he didn’t like this rustic wood vibe. Next time he takes photos in the garden, it will be all lovely. I did some styling with stuff from my...
Long green skirt

Long green skirt

Entering modern times with another midi skirt. Since I have big jumpers and know how to use them on skirts, I am less afraid of buying long skirts. This long green skirt was in the sale for € 60 which I thought was a very reasonable price. I bought it after having had...
Floral tights with a black leather skirt

Floral tights with a black leather skirt

The floral tights do indeed make another appearance, this time combined with my black leather wrap skirt and a pink sweater. When I showed this combination to Ron (husband), I was still wearing the black leather ankle boots of the floral tights outfit with the red...
Dots and balls

Dots and balls

This is my new polka dot top. As in new to me / second-hand. Do polka dots always have to be completely round? Are the ones in my top more like snowflakes? Perhaps they are, but I’ll stick with polka dots and wear polka dot tights with it. Both the top and the...
Black IRO boots

Black IRO boots

Oh I paid deerly for this shoot. In lots of ways. One, because these black IRO boots are too high for a person with a bad knee. Even for 15 minutes, which is how long the photo shoot lasted. Two, because it was very, very cold. And three, because I had sworn not to...
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