Oversized pale green shirt and BVA girls

Oversized pale green shirt and BVA girls

Because I previously bought the same shirt (slightly shorter) in white cotton and loved it, I thought it was a good idea to purchase this oversized pale green shirt as well. But it isn’t as easy to style as the white one. Where the white one was cute on my wide...
Red and white jacket with the baggy jeans

Red and white jacket with the baggy jeans

The first day I got these baggy jeans which you saw before (link to original post with the orange boots), I styled them multiple times, tucked into these pink boots by EIJK. And I really liked the look. It wasn’t my idea, I copied it from Daphne, the owner of...
Wide linen trousers with a lime yellow top

Wide linen trousers with a lime yellow top

With the wind blowing from behind, my wide linen trousers look like billowing sails on a ship. I thought it was funny. The BVA girlfriends were visiting me and the day went almost like always. Only after lunch, Marianna went home and Claudia stayed behind to talk to...
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