When Kitty suggested to go to the Stedelijk Gymnasium to do a photo shoot on a Saturday morning I needed to look it up on the map of Haarlem. Oh there!?! Right in the centre of the city. I had sent her a photo of the outfit with the leopard print ankle boots and asked whether it would match the surroundings. As you will see, it did.
The weather was sunny with cooler temperatures. A coat was necessary so the off-white Burberry trench coat, my second hand deal, takes the stage as well.
We cycled to the centre as a car would have been useless; too difficult to park. All the time on the bike I was thinking: “oh dear, is my hair going to hold out? Or will all the photos be ruined because of that?” You know what I am like with my hair, it’s my Achilles heel.
Below: Indeed the hair didn’t look good upon arrival. Husband Ron had a good laugh when he saw this photo. He said I look like a district nurse. Nice man… 😕 I blame it on the bike. It is a sensible bike, I even have cycle bags, the very height of frumpiness in my book. I gave in as they are just too practical.
Below: We did this scene several times. Kitty was taking photos while lying on the ground. Suddenly she said: “I can get both towers in one shot!! Go back and walk towards me again.” The eye of an artist.
Below: Hair wasn’t doing too badly and the two towers were in the picture.
Below: As this is a tourist spot, we were “ambushed” by this group and a guide (the guy with the hat). The guide was a real performer, a good actor. We couldn’t do much else but wait and listen.
Below: No… I am not “f-ing” him. He said something about a historic figure, like Willem the fourth, or Henry the fourth. I think it was Floris IV, but I cannot remember. But that is what I am saying in this photo: “The fourth!” while holding up 4 fingers.
I should have tightened the belt a bit more. Shame. And I also like the coat better with the collar done up.
Below: Here is a crummy iPhone photo of the coat with the collar done up.
Below: Finally the tourists were gone and we had the place to ourselves again. The Burberry trench coat is second hand from Kat & Ko, one of the two places I frequent for second hand clothes. The story of how I got two off-white trench coats are in this post.
Below: We continued. And by the way, the jacket is green, it honestly is.
Below: Laughing underneath the pleached trees (I love pleached trees). We had such a good time.
Below: Let’s talk brands now: green jacket: Irie Wash, blue and white striped shirt: Joline Jolink, skinny jeans: Denham, tan bag: Ellen Verbeek, long blue earrings: ADOR by Ayasha, leopard print ankle boots: EIJK-Amsterdam. You have seen me wearing EIJK boots with this heel, before. I own pink ones and cream laced ones.
Below: A group of 5 men and a woman passed and I had a laugh with one of the men about being in the photo.
Below: As we turned the corner to have a coffee, this is what we saw whahaha. I put my finger through the bars as if I were the witch in Hansel & Gretel.
Below: In the alley where we had photographed the coat with the two towers in the background, was a door, surprisingly leading to the garden of Vascobello V-bar, where you can get coffee, tea, drinks, breakfast and lunch. They were awarded this year (don’t know by whom, sorry.. forgot). They definitely serve a very good barista cappuccino. When I was in The Hague meeting Karen this summer, we arranged to meet in Vascobello as well. They are a Belgian chain and very good. Cute garden. In summer the plants on the left wall are nicer of course.
Below: Here she is! This is Kitty, my photographer.
Below: She took a few more shots as we sat down.
Below: She was very pleased with this shot and so am I 😎
Below: I asked Kitty to photograph my new ruby ring, but on old hands it doesn’t get the proper aura.
Below: Which is why I photographed it separately. The bracelet is second hand, bought at Today’s Vintage. The ring is very special to me. It is made of steel and polished to the highest possible standard, holding a synthetic ruby. I discovered this ring through the blog of my friend Melanie, Bag and a beret. Her husband O, creates marvellous micro art which requires such patience. Here is a link to his art and here is a link to his Etsy shop, selling just one other ring, similar to mine.
Below: Another second hand score at Today’s Vintage, is this Nanni belt I am wearing. Yep, definitely did some good business there.
Below: The boots are made by EIJK-Amsterdam and they are the most comfortable boots you can imagine. I had to wait quite a while before I received them but it was worth the wait. The owner of the brand, Jolanda Eijk, wasn’t happy with the first samples and kept insisting on a better quality. If she is not completely satisfied, she will not produce them. You can feel that. I can happily shop in these even though the heel is 6 cm (2.36 inch). And Knee is happy with them as well.
What happened in my life this week
Saturday was hairdresser day plus some grocery shopping and only that. You see, my credit card is in the freezer again. It is Stop Shopping Time. At least I did not wait until I hit rock bottom like last year (and the year before). I still have some money left in my savings account. Yay. Never too old to learn.
Sunday was a quiet day, time to recharge and do some blogging. No going out to dinner this time.
Nothing special on Monday and Tuesday. Work. There was one funny thing. One of my colleagues inquired after the brand of my tights and I sent her the internet address. Well, I thought I did. Until I received an email from the managing director of (one of) our advertising agencies with the text: “I want size L, nude look. Just send me the bill.” That gave me a good laugh.
Wednesday. Another photo shoot with Kitty (next week on the blog), followed by a lunch. In the afternoon Ron and I went to Amsterdam to choose new glasses for him. The model which he had in mind, met my approval. Of course he doesn’t need that but it is always nice when your partner likes your glasses too, right?
As it was gorgeous weather, we stopped in Haarlem on our way back for a drink on a terrace. Instead of eating properly at home, we were naughty and had chips. Flemish chips, the best!
Thursday was a normal day, nothing special happened. Ate too much at the office; things I should not eat like cakes (yes, plural) and all sorts of hot snacks at 4.30 p.m. Very bad for my figure. As it wasn’t gluten free either, I got a headache the next morning, my own fault.
Worked from home on Friday. You can get three times as much done when you work at home.
And that was that for the week. Rather uneventful. Hope this new item “What happened in my life this week” isn’t becoming boring.
I love this look on you; fabulous!
And what a gorgeous pictures Kitty took! Really professional and flattering. How inventive to choose such a low perspective and then get both church towers. Very impressed!
Kitty appears to be spending most of the time on the floor when she takes my pictures haha.
Those leopard booties are very cool and they work with all of your favourite colours! You are lucky to have Kitty to take photos; she obviously has a good eye for composition and it gives Ron a break. I love the photos of you laughing (which I know aren’t your favourite).
Dear Greetje,
your combination of trench coat with the leopard print ankle boots is a very chic. (…Although I was amused by your husband’s remark. :))) I also bought trendy black boots with leo pattern on the heel and also a scarf with a leo pattern.
Also ring with bracelet are very nice.
I admire how you work the whole week and you still have energy for afternoon activities with your husband and friends … Photo with 5 men behind bars is very funny :))
I’m looking forward to your new blog posts!
Great Sivet, thank you very much for your lovely words. I work 4 days a week, 9 hours a day. So the Wednesday is my day off (plus the weekend of course). That is when I do all my husband and friends stuff. But I will admit it is hectic.
what a fabulous post!, I love the boots, they look stunning, You look stunning!, the trench, the cute bag, the style and attitude!
I love even more that you share some ‘behind the scenes’ pictures. Love to see you riding your bike and the photo of the men ‘in jail’, really funny!
I am glad my new item (my week) is catching on. I have to improve my writing skills with this part of a post. Nothing serious but a challenge is always good. As long as the readers like it.
Oh, Greetje, you could never be boring! I’m trying to have a spending freeze too because I have made the decision to retire at the end of the school year in 2019! That being said, sweet daughter is moving to a new apartment and there are so many changes. (None of the windows match up so new curtain rods & window coverings…sigh) and she does not have the money to cover all the expenses. I think striped shirts go with everything-jeans, khakis, skirts, and jackets. Your white coat is a classic and you are brave for wearing it in a city…although everything looks so clean in your photos. I love your booties, but they just won’t fit in with my rural life. Kitty is stunning! Thank you for my weekly dose of virtual travel. Carol in VT
Ah yes, mothers and daughters… so much love and always giving. If it makes you happy go for it. I have always made it on my own. Having said that…hmmm… my father was always renovating all my rental houses and I got things from them as well, like sheets, cutlery etc. I suppose it is the nature of things. As long as you can still retire.
If you are leading a rural life I would indeed not recommend these leopard boots haha. Tell me, what is VT?
VT is the abbreviation for the state of Vermont (Green Mountains) in the U.S. We are one of 6 states that are known as New England. My corner of Vermont has the romantic nickname of the Northeast Kingdom. A state politician gave us the nickname after visiting the area-it is very pretty here, especially in the fall when the tree leaves lose their green & the hills are ablaze with reds, oranges, and yellows and all the values in between. I live about 25 miles from the Quebec, Canada border. Does that help? 😃
That helps a lot. Do you have those famous Indian summers? Sounds like it. Must be nice to live in such a pretty area.
We used to, but climate change has made our weather unpredictable. It is much warmer for much longer and then, almost overnight it is winter.
What a fun post and also a photographically exceptional one! Kitty is not only an attractive and helpful friend but a hardworking and demanding( of herself) photographer. There are many shots of you in this post that I like a lot.
Were those hilarious dudes behind bars posing for a friend’s photo? How fun to come upon their playful moment!
I happen to LOVE the photo of you riding along on your efficiently outfitted bike! I think you look athletic , vibrant, and on your way to someplace important! How wonderful that biking is a practical way of getting around in your city.
Your wrap up of the weeks activities is great. I especially like hearing about your eating cake, freezing your spending and sending emails about ladies tights to unintended male colleagues! It’s comforting to know you’re as delightfully imperfect as the rest of us! 🙂
Oh yes, I am so imperfect! You better believe it. But hey.. who like a perfect person? Nobody, right? You would always feel inadequate around him or her. No the perfectness lies in the imperfection (you may quote me haha).
The men behind bars were indeed being photographed by the woman who was in their company. We just came in at the right time.
You are the second person who like me in the bike riding photo… aaghhh. Biking is most certainly the best way of getting around in our country. It is small so everything is close.
As for the wrap-up, not every week is eventful, but I will keep on reporting.
The booties are beautiful and your white raincoat … I love it! And what can I say, without repeating myself, of my beloved Greetje wearing jeans? You know my admiration for those long legs wearing jeans, for the elegance that you know how to give this casual garment. The set with the green jacket and the striped shirt is very beautiful. As always, beautiful photos of that Holland dreamed.
I always love hearing your compliments. You know you hold a special place in my heart. And although I love jeans (especially the skinny ones), I would be very unhappy if that was all I was allowed to wear. But my country is indeed a jeans country. Not like Dan’s Italy.
Love your outfit and photos with Kitty! I think one of my favorite photos is the one of you on the bike! And of course I enjoy hearing about your week.
Thank you for sharing.
The photo on the bike is hideous. Ron was so right when he called me the district nurse. My hair is in a mess. Why do you pick that one to favour haha.
I like hearing about your week. 🙂 Awesome photos, Kitty and Greetje! I love the outfit – those booties are divine. I just bought a green skirt and it refuses to look green in the photos. Arg! What a fun outing that was – I laughed at all those gents stuffed behind the grate.
Kitty said: “You can tell by the photos we had such fun”. And she is right.
I know about colours refusing to look the right shade in photos. I have no idea why. I remember my Kermit green jacket, that was a tough one as well. I will visit your awesome blog again soon.
I struggle with what to buy now. I dont know how long I’ll keep working. 67 but still feel young and not ready to retire. Our office is casual and clients as well but not sure about wearing jeans daily. I luv dresses! Do you just buy work and weekend casual and say to heck with it?
Same here: I love jeans and I love dresses and skirts. So I want to wear them both. I just buy what I like and wear it when I like. Of course I will wear a pencil skirt with high heels a lot less over the weekend, but I do wear boyfriend jeans to the office. Very nicely styled though.
Such a perfect casual outfit! Those boots are superb. Can’t go wrong with leopard print boots, IMO. 😉
Totally agree with you. But EIJK also has python boots in a couple of colours like grey and brown… very tempting.
You should do a post showing your shoe closet (I know your going to say it’s too messy)because you have a fabulous collection, very unique just like yourself.
OMG, I hadn’t thought you could know me this well. I was about to answer “It’s too messy” haha. I always start well: 1 closet for all my shoes. Then I realize that I need my tights and jewellery outside the bedroom as I get up at 5.20 in the morning when my husband is still fast asleep. So in between the boots and shoes a little set of drawers is installed. Which gets overloaded and I need a second one. Then I need my perfume as well. Then the boots are too many and don’t fit in the ….. You get the picture don’t you?
But the idea of photographing them all against a black or blue background (for instance) is quite nice. I did that once before in the post “Chunky necklaces”: https://www.nofearoffashion.com/?s=chunky+necklaces
Love the boots, the green jacket and the tan bag, and what is a pleached tree.
Glad you like the outfit. I looked the definition of pleached trees up for you: “Pleached trees are trees which have a very straight clear stem and then a narrow framework of branches trained onto canes. This formal method of training produces beautiful trees which are somewhat rare (certainly beyond the skill level of most nurseries) and much favoured by the top garden designers for adding height to a garden, dividing into garden rooms, or for screening.”
They are used more in the Netherlands as we have less space in our country. This way you can have beautiful big trees without them taking up too much space.
I love those leopard booties. Anything that is fashionable and comfy deserves a spot in the wardrobe.
Your friend took some great photos. The one of the guys behind the bars is hilarious! Ha!
If I wore rings I’d buy one of O’s. They are so unique.
I think I will get a lot of wear out of these boots. They lift any outfit.
If you would want one of O’s rings you would have to be quick. I think he only has one left.
Wonderful photos and LOVE those sexy leopard ankle boots!
Best thing about the boots is: soooo comfortable. Even with this heel. That is why I have more of such boots. Who doesn’t want to be on heels without pain? (That is the reason why the owner, Jolanda, started her business).
These booties are outstanding. Great find. I also love how you styled them. I immediately had to pin them to my pinterest board for fashion over 60. I think you are the star on there. LOL.
Finally you posted a real Dutch “outfit”. Love, love the photo with the bike.
The district nurse outfit is the real Dutch outfit I suppose haha. Ron is right, I look very frumpy on that bike. Never mind. Cycling is good for the knee and gets you to places very fast.
I love to be the star on your “fashion over 60” board.
I love the white coat. I like it unbuttoned at the neck. I really love the booties. I guess your knee is much better now since you are wearing little heels. can you believe I only wear one pair of boots? yes, only one. I can only wear ECCO shoes/boots because hey are narrow and I honestly don’t need boots in hot Florida where I live. I love the picture of the men behind bars! so funny!
It is very strange, but higher heels or lower heels do not effect the knee. Three orthopedist told me so. And it is true. Some flat shoes feel terrible/good and some high heels feel terrible/good.
I can totally understand you don’t need boots in hot Florida haha. Although this brand also has summer boots with perforated leather.
When I saw those men behind bars I could only shout to Kitty: PHOTO!!!
Hi Greetje.I love your boots and above all the creative photo shoot. Wow, Haarlem is such a beautiful city, lots of hidden corners for superb photos and lots of men to add a fun part to a photo shoot. I have just been to Holland for a few days and it always hit me how approachable and fun the Dutch are. I see that back on your photos and in your stories too. Just love it! Love, Lieske
It is also because I know no shame. I will talk to anyone everywhere. I will do shoots everywhere and ask people whether I can photograph them. It is seldom that I get a bad respons.
I also think you are very authentic and enthousiastic, which may have something to do with the positive responses you get all the time!
Mwah… big kiss
Love the outfit with the little jacket. The boots are great. I have a pair of leopard print loafers that I wear a lot, but I may have to look into boots…
I really enjoy your weekly life reports. And, I don’t know about you, but an uneventful week is always welcome. Last week my 90 year old mother’s apartment kitchen and bathroom were redone, and the accelerator cable on her ’67 VW snapped. So I could have lived without all that in my life. Uneventful would have been wonderful in contrast!
Oh yes, if the events in your life are negative things, I am totally with you: uneventful is better. Glad you like my “new endeavour”. My mum turned 90 too. In August. Just picked her up from home today (an hour’s drive away) and the both of us spent an afternoon with my cousins. That was a reunion.
Cracked up over Ron’s district nurse comment. Spot on, Ron!
Loved the pics without the coat. Coat’s nice, don’t get me wrong, but thought your outfit looked better with just the littlr green jacket.
But hey, who am I to criticise? It’s a good job you can’t see me right now in my Sunday slobs.
As for Flemish chips, just whisper that, plus ‘With mayonnaise,’ in my husband’s ear and he’s all yours! We stopped especially in Valkenberg in June just so he could indulge!
Have a good week! X
And we had Belgian mayonnaise with the chips too. You gave away an important secret about your husband haha. I know the coat deserves better. I seem to not do justice to either of them. Or I have just bought the wrong items. Which is possible.
I love that you have fun on your photo shoots like this….it makes the time so much more enjoyable.
And I JUST (seriously just) bought some leopard ankle booties. I was trying to hold off because I have so many booties. But I gave in, and I’m wearing them around the house today to see how they feel!!
We can be twinsies!!!
I love being twinsies with you haha. I think such boots can lift many outfits to a higher level. Love them.
I love this look on you; fabulous!
And what a gorgeous pictures Kitty took! Really professional and flattering. How inventive to choose such a low perspective and then get both church towers. Very impressed!
Kitty appears to be spending most of the time on the floor when she takes my pictures haha.
Those leopard booties are very cool and they work with all of your favourite colours! You are lucky to have Kitty to take photos; she obviously has a good eye for composition and it gives Ron a break. I love the photos of you laughing (which I know aren’t your favourite).
what a fabulous post!, I love the boots, they look stunning, You look stunning!, the trench, the cute bag, the style and attitude!
I love even more that you share some ‘behind the scenes’ pictures. Love to see you riding your bike and the photo of the men ‘in jail’, really funny!
I am glad my new item (my week) is catching on. I have to improve my writing skills with this part of a post. Nothing serious but a challenge is always good. As long as the readers like it.
Dear Greetje,
your combination of trench coat with the leopard print ankle boots is a very chic. (…Although I was amused by your husband’s remark. :))) I also bought trendy black boots with leo pattern on the heel and also a scarf with a leo pattern.
Also ring with bracelet are very nice.
I admire how you work the whole week and you still have energy for afternoon activities with your husband and friends … Photo with 5 men behind bars is very funny :))
I’m looking forward to your new blog posts!
Great Sivet, thank you very much for your lovely words. I work 4 days a week, 9 hours a day. So the Wednesday is my day off (plus the weekend of course). That is when I do all my husband and friends stuff. But I will admit it is hectic.
Snap! love your boots. I have some very similar and can’t wear them enough. However, I recently purchased a red patent pair and these are now my new babies. Some days a girl is just spoilt for choice on which to wear 🙂
Oh you are just like me!!! I have orange patent leather boots and you red ones. And both leopard boots. We are boots twinsies. It is such a privilage to have so much choice.
Snap! love your boots. I have some very similar and can’t wear them enough. However, I recently purchased a red patent pair and these are now my new babies. Some days a girl is just spoilt for choice on which to wear 🙂
Oh you are just like me!!! I have orange patent leather boots and you red ones. And both leopard boots. We are boots twinsies. It is such a privilage to have so much choice.
Brilliant post again, you had me very entertained plus Ron’s comment about the district nurse was so funny- love a man with a sense of humour !!! Kitty has managed to balance the background and your outfits perfectly, clever lady.
I love a striped top, have a bit of a collection of them ! They can be worn so many ways and although I haven’t got such a fabulous figure as you I still like to wear a stripe. Those boots look fun and of course we have all been told animal print is big this season…..did it ever go away ?!!! As I have mentioned before, I am quite boring with my footwear, but have lately branched out into tan suede ankle boots ( quite a departure from my plain boring black ones ha ha !)
Your weekly updates are good too.
Tan is a very good colour for bags and boots. They go with brown, black, blue, white, cream and green. And I probably forgot a few. And of course with jeans. Hope that can keep the suede clean. That is the draw-back of suede boots and shoes in a lighter colour. My cobbler can usually fix them up again when they get damaged. The leap from tan ankle boots to leopard ankle boots is not that big, is it haha?
Brilliant post again, you had me very entertained plus Ron’s comment about the district nurse was so funny- love a man with a sense of humour !!! Kitty has managed to balance the background and your outfits perfectly, clever lady.
I love a striped top, have a bit of a collection of them ! They can be worn so many ways and although I haven’t got such a fabulous figure as you I still like to wear a stripe. Those boots look fun and of course we have all been told animal print is big this season…..did it ever go away ?!!! As I have mentioned before, I am quite boring with my footwear, but have lately branched out into tan suede ankle boots ( quite a departure from my plain boring black ones ha ha !)
Your weekly updates are good too.
Tan is a very good colour for bags and boots. They go with brown, black, blue, white, cream and green. And I probably forgot a few. And of course with jeans. Hope that can keep the suede clean. That is the draw-back of suede boots and shoes in a lighter colour. My cobbler can usually fix them up again when they get damaged. The leap from tan ankle boots to leopard ankle boots is not that big, is it haha?
The booties are beautiful and your white raincoat … I love it! And what can I say, without repeating myself, of my beloved Greetje wearing jeans? You know my admiration for those long legs wearing jeans, for the elegance that you know how to give this casual garment. The set with the green jacket and the striped shirt is very beautiful. As always, beautiful photos of that Holland dreamed.
I always love hearing your compliments. You know you hold a special place in my heart. And although I love jeans (especially the skinny ones), I would be very unhappy if that was all I was allowed to wear. But my country is indeed a jeans country. Not like Dan’s Italy.
What a fun post and also a photographically exceptional one! Kitty is not only an attractive and helpful friend but a hardworking and demanding( of herself) photographer. There are many shots of you in this post that I like a lot.
Were those hilarious dudes behind bars posing for a friend’s photo? How fun to come upon their playful moment!
I happen to LOVE the photo of you riding along on your efficiently outfitted bike! I think you look athletic , vibrant, and on your way to someplace important! How wonderful that biking is a practical way of getting around in your city.
Your wrap up of the weeks activities is great. I especially like hearing about your eating cake, freezing your spending and sending emails about ladies tights to unintended male colleagues! It’s comforting to know you’re as delightfully imperfect as the rest of us! 🙂
Oh yes, I am so imperfect! You better believe it. But hey.. who like a perfect person? Nobody, right? You would always feel inadequate around him or her. No the perfectness lies in the imperfection (you may quote me haha).
The men behind bars were indeed being photographed by the woman who was in their company. We just came in at the right time.
You are the second person who like me in the bike riding photo… aaghhh. Biking is most certainly the best way of getting around in our country. It is small so everything is close.
As for the wrap-up, not every week is eventful, but I will keep on reporting.
I like hearing about your week. 🙂 Awesome photos, Kitty and Greetje! I love the outfit – those booties are divine. I just bought a green skirt and it refuses to look green in the photos. Arg! What a fun outing that was – I laughed at all those gents stuffed behind the grate.
Kitty said: “You can tell by the photos we had such fun”. And she is right.
I know about colours refusing to look the right shade in photos. I have no idea why. I remember my Kermit green jacket, that was a tough one as well. I will visit your awesome blog again soon.
Love your outfit and photos with Kitty! I think one of my favorite photos is the one of you on the bike! And of course I enjoy hearing about your week.
Thank you for sharing.
The photo on the bike is hideous. Ron was so right when he called me the district nurse. My hair is in a mess. Why do you pick that one to favour haha.
Oh, Greetje, you could never be boring! I’m trying to have a spending freeze too because I have made the decision to retire at the end of the school year in 2019! That being said, sweet daughter is moving to a new apartment and there are so many changes. (None of the windows match up so new curtain rods & window coverings…sigh) and she does not have the money to cover all the expenses. I think striped shirts go with everything-jeans, khakis, skirts, and jackets. Your white coat is a classic and you are brave for wearing it in a city…although everything looks so clean in your photos. I love your booties, but they just won’t fit in with my rural life. Kitty is stunning! Thank you for my weekly dose of virtual travel. Carol in VT
Ah yes, mothers and daughters… so much love and always giving. If it makes you happy go for it. I have always made it on my own. Having said that…hmmm… my father was always renovating all my rental houses and I got things from them as well, like sheets, cutlery etc. I suppose it is the nature of things. As long as you can still retire.
If you are leading a rural life I would indeed not recommend these leopard boots haha. Tell me, what is VT?
VT is the abbreviation for the state of Vermont (Green Mountains) in the U.S. We are one of 6 states that are known as New England. My corner of Vermont has the romantic nickname of the Northeast Kingdom. A state politician gave us the nickname after visiting the area-it is very pretty here, especially in the fall when the tree leaves lose their green & the hills are ablaze with reds, oranges, and yellows and all the values in between. I live about 25 miles from the Quebec, Canada border. Does that help? 😃
That helps a lot. Do you have those famous Indian summers? Sounds like it. Must be nice to live in such a pretty area.
We used to, but climate change has made our weather unpredictable. It is much warmer for much longer and then, almost overnight it is winter.
You look wonderful, as always, but specially in this outfit. Kitty is a realy good fotographer., the photos make me enjoy your cities, I do enjoy yours posts every sunday afternoons, cheers from Guanajuato México.
I have readers all the way in México.. YAY. I hope I can keep you entertained for a long time. Thanks for the compliments. Much appreciated.
I struggle with what to buy now. I dont know how long I’ll keep working. 67 but still feel young and not ready to retire. Our office is casual and clients as well but not sure about wearing jeans daily. I luv dresses! Do you just buy work and weekend casual and say to heck with it?
Same here: I love jeans and I love dresses and skirts. So I want to wear them both. I just buy what I like and wear it when I like. Of course I will wear a pencil skirt with high heels a lot less over the weekend, but I do wear boyfriend jeans to the office. Very nicely styled though.
Oh I have those cycle bags too and I feel so very frumpy on the bike. But I don’t care, as you say it takes us to places ….Like shops…and then we have to put the purchases somewhere don’t we. What a wonderful outfit, cool! Amazing boots!
Totally agree Nancy. When you are on your way, you might as well do some shopping and hanging your bags on your handlebars is dangerous.
Glad you like my little boots.
You should do a post showing your shoe closet (I know your going to say it’s too messy)because you have a fabulous collection, very unique just like yourself.
OMG, I hadn’t thought you could know me this well. I was about to answer “It’s too messy” haha. I always start well: 1 closet for all my shoes. Then I realize that I need my tights and jewellery outside the bedroom as I get up at 5.20 in the morning when my husband is still fast asleep. So in between the boots and shoes a little set of drawers is installed. Which gets overloaded and I need a second one. Then I need my perfume as well. Then the boots are too many and don’t fit in the ….. You get the picture don’t you?
But the idea of photographing them all against a black or blue background (for instance) is quite nice. I did that once before in the post “Chunky necklaces”: https://www.nofearoffashion.com/?s=chunky+necklaces
I love the white coat. I like it unbuttoned at the neck. I really love the booties. I guess your knee is much better now since you are wearing little heels. can you believe I only wear one pair of boots? yes, only one. I can only wear ECCO shoes/boots because hey are narrow and I honestly don’t need boots in hot Florida where I live. I love the picture of the men behind bars! so funny!
It is very strange, but higher heels or lower heels do not effect the knee. Three orthopedist told me so. And it is true. Some flat shoes feel terrible/good and some high heels feel terrible/good.
I can totally understand you don’t need boots in hot Florida haha. Although this brand also has summer boots with perforated leather.
When I saw those men behind bars I could only shout to Kitty: PHOTO!!!
Such a perfect casual outfit! Those boots are superb. Can’t go wrong with leopard print boots, IMO. 😉
Totally agree with you. But EIJK also has python boots in a couple of colours like grey and brown… very tempting.
I love that you have fun on your photo shoots like this….it makes the time so much more enjoyable.
And I JUST (seriously just) bought some leopard ankle booties. I was trying to hold off because I have so many booties. But I gave in, and I’m wearing them around the house today to see how they feel!!
We can be twinsies!!!
I love being twinsies with you haha. I think such boots can lift many outfits to a higher level. Love them.
Love the boots, the green jacket and the tan bag, and what is a pleached tree.
Glad you like the outfit. I looked the definition of pleached trees up for you: “Pleached trees are trees which have a very straight clear stem and then a narrow framework of branches trained onto canes. This formal method of training produces beautiful trees which are somewhat rare (certainly beyond the skill level of most nurseries) and much favoured by the top garden designers for adding height to a garden, dividing into garden rooms, or for screening.”
They are used more in the Netherlands as we have less space in our country. This way you can have beautiful big trees without them taking up too much space.
I love those leopard booties. Anything that is fashionable and comfy deserves a spot in the wardrobe.
Your friend took some great photos. The one of the guys behind the bars is hilarious! Ha!
If I wore rings I’d buy one of O’s. They are so unique.
I think I will get a lot of wear out of these boots. They lift any outfit.
If you would want one of O’s rings you would have to be quick. I think he only has one left.
Wonderful photos and LOVE those sexy leopard ankle boots!
Best thing about the boots is: soooo comfortable. Even with this heel. That is why I have more of such boots. Who doesn’t want to be on heels without pain? (That is the reason why the owner, Jolanda, started her business).
Stellar post! I loved all the photos – you can see Kitty’s passion in the results – and your writeup. So many interesting adventures you have. Were you really saying “fourth”? Hahaha! I am sometimes ambushed by tourists too. And the men in jail with you pointing at them cracked me up.
And you will argue, but I liked the one of you on the bike, with the carry bags as well. A fresh, outdoor woman with style. Of course the outfits look fantastic!
And there’s the ring O made, all the way over there, looking smashing on your finger. Thanks for mentioning and linking it. O will definitely want to see this.
Yes I was really saying “fourth”haha. Glad you enjoyed this post. I was very enthousiastic when I made it. Kitty is such a pro.
These booties are outstanding. Great find. I also love how you styled them. I immediately had to pin them to my pinterest board for fashion over 60. I think you are the star on there. LOL.
Finally you posted a real Dutch “outfit”. Love, love the photo with the bike.
The district nurse outfit is the real Dutch outfit I suppose haha. Ron is right, I look very frumpy on that bike. Never mind. Cycling is good for the knee and gets you to places very fast.
I love to be the star on your “fashion over 60” board.
Love the outfit with the little jacket. The boots are great. I have a pair of leopard print loafers that I wear a lot, but I may have to look into boots…
I really enjoy your weekly life reports. And, I don’t know about you, but an uneventful week is always welcome. Last week my 90 year old mother’s apartment kitchen and bathroom were redone, and the accelerator cable on her ’67 VW snapped. So I could have lived without all that in my life. Uneventful would have been wonderful in contrast!
Oh yes, if the events in your life are negative things, I am totally with you: uneventful is better. Glad you like my “new endeavour”. My mum turned 90 too. In August. Just picked her up from home today (an hour’s drive away) and the both of us spent an afternoon with my cousins. That was a reunion.
You look wonderful, as always, but specially in this outfit. Kitty is a realy good fotographer., the photos make me enjoy your cities, I do enjoy yours posts every sunday afternoons, cheers from Guanajuato México.
I have readers all the way in México.. YAY. I hope I can keep you entertained for a long time. Thanks for the compliments. Much appreciated.
Oh I have those cycle bags too and I feel so very frumpy on the bike. But I don’t care, as you say it takes us to places ….Like shops…and then we have to put the purchases somewhere don’t we. What a wonderful outfit, cool! Amazing boots!
Totally agree Nancy. When you are on your way, you might as well do some shopping and hanging your bags on your handlebars is dangerous.
Glad you like my little boots.
Hi Greetje.I love your boots and above all the creative photo shoot. Wow, Haarlem is such a beautiful city, lots of hidden corners for superb photos and lots of men to add a fun part to a photo shoot. I have just been to Holland for a few days and it always hit me how approachable and fun the Dutch are. I see that back on your photos and in your stories too. Just love it! Love, Lieske
It is also because I know no shame. I will talk to anyone everywhere. I will do shoots everywhere and ask people whether I can photograph them. It is seldom that I get a bad respons.
I also think you are very authentic and enthousiastic, which may have something to do with the positive responses you get all the time!
Mwah… big kiss
Cracked up over Ron’s district nurse comment. Spot on, Ron!
Loved the pics without the coat. Coat’s nice, don’t get me wrong, but thought your outfit looked better with just the littlr green jacket.
But hey, who am I to criticise? It’s a good job you can’t see me right now in my Sunday slobs.
As for Flemish chips, just whisper that, plus ‘With mayonnaise,’ in my husband’s ear and he’s all yours! We stopped especially in Valkenberg in June just so he could indulge!
Have a good week! X
And we had Belgian mayonnaise with the chips too. You gave away an important secret about your husband haha. I know the coat deserves better. I seem to not do justice to either of them. Or I have just bought the wrong items. Which is possible.
Stellar post! I loved all the photos – you can see Kitty’s passion in the results – and your writeup. So many interesting adventures you have. Were you really saying “fourth”? Hahaha! I am sometimes ambushed by tourists too. And the men in jail with you pointing at them cracked me up.
And you will argue, but I liked the one of you on the bike, with the carry bags as well. A fresh, outdoor woman with style. Of course the outfits look fantastic!
And there’s the ring O made, all the way over there, looking smashing on your finger. Thanks for mentioning and linking it. O will definitely want to see this.
Yes I was really saying “fourth”haha. Glad you enjoyed this post. I was very enthousiastic when I made it. Kitty is such a pro.