These boots are definitely made for walking. Their third appearance on the blog is with this red and pink pleated skirt, nicely matched (haha) with an orange and pink brooch. I adore the brooch but it is a pain in the you-know-what, to wear it. It is heavy and pulls the top down. Also, it is fastened with 5 pins (the 6th one fell off) which is so fiddly to attach.
Anyway, one cold morning husband Ron took the photos in a little square in Haarlem.
Below: The pretty little square with a playground in the middle for little children. Fenced off, so really safe. See the building on the left??
Below: The building on the left in the above photo is a former bathhouse. Lovely architecture with a rounded structure on the left.
Below: We started the photo shoot near the houses.
Below: Walking towards Ron with a standard lens created a lovely bokeh as it is called. Which means a blurry background. The jumper (sweater) is by Uniqlo, the skirt is by Idano and bought at kpa.haarlem.
Below: Ron walked through an alley and found a little secluded corner with a brick wall. I am killing myself laughing here because Ron said to me: “Now pull up your skirt really high.” Yeah, as if…
Below: Another moment of great laughter. I saw a bench which was of course, an opportunity for a pose. When I arranged my clothes, Ron said: “Ah… the Alfred Jodocus Kwak pose”. Alfred Jodocus Kwak is a world famous Dutch cartoon duck. When I asked him what he meant he sang: “So happy, so happy…” which is what the duck always sang. He was always very happy. And me pulling my smiling face for the blog photo, reminded Ron of that haha.
Below: He found more backgrounds to photograph me against. Dark backgrounds are the best with blonde hair.
Below: I love this photo best. Alas, not razor sharp but a beauty in my opinion.
Below: Close-up of the brooch. You have seen it before in this post on a white cotton top. The artist who made it, is Xenia Walschikow. It was a present from my mum and Ron a couple of years ago.
Below: As I was getting noticed quite a lot at that square (and getting compliments…so nice), Ron took a photo of this poster, advertising the space where you can hang your own poster. It says in Dutch: ‘Stands out, doesn’t it?’
Below: We left the square on the other side.
What happened in my life this week
First a note: Ron already has his appointment for his first vaccination. He is 6 years older than I am, but my time will come too, hopefully in 3 weeks.
On Saturday I returned to Marianne with the socks I wanted her to try. This time I didn’t forget them. Had a lovely couple of hours with her.
Below: Marianne in a blue jumper.
Below: And this is what I was wearing (I have no plans for a new outfit with this jumper this year). I prefer these shorter lime earrings with this jumper. (See the post with my green trousers for the longer earrings.) Both pairs of earrings are from Lara Design.
Sunday the sun was all over the place and I had cancelled another photo shoot with Kitty because of the forecasted bad weather. Weather is still very unpredictable. Luckily she was still available and up for it. So at the end of the day we went on our mission. The sun was out, the location was great, the temperature was really low, brrrr. We went back to my house to get warm again with a tea. Ron said he was going to get Chinese food; would Kitty like to eat with us? She would. Ever so nice, even if there were two metres between her and us.
Monday wasn’t too bad, but we did have some showers with hailstones. Ron and I managed to fix a lot of little things around the house which have been wonky for years. Tightening a screw here, fastening a plug there, all little things, but boy oh boy do they bring joy when they are fixed. We finally take the time to do these things. I also tried a couple of new outfits with stuff from my wardrobe but failed this time.
As I was getting dressed, I had put my phone on the bed and slung my belt on the bed too… The buckle hit the glass of my iPhone and broke it. Long story short, I bought another one. Expensive action. Bummer.
By Tuesday, the weather got better. Lots of sunshine and good forecasts. Temperatures were to rise to 16 degrees C on Sunday. I visited Helga in the afternoon. At a distance. I keep saying this, so you won’t think I am taking risks. I am not showing you a photo of Helga as it wasn’t nice. I wore a dress as I finally had a person to show it to. It is my red Sportmax dress. You can see the original post when I wore it in Turin. I think I have modernised the styling by putting a funky pin on it, which goes nicely with the striped shirt underneath it.
Below: The red Sportmax dress.
Below: Close-up of the fun pin, created by Bella, The Citizen Rosebud. You can buy them in her Etsy shop, Bloomtown Vintage. I love how a pin like this adds a whimsical feel to the outfit. Reminds me not to take ourselves too seriously.
Wednesday was supposed to be a beautiful day. It wasn’t. We did see some sunshine but rain and cold were the things I remember most.
Visited my best friend Lia, whom I know since we were 16.
Below: here she is. She still hasn’t got any grey hair; amazing.
Below: I wore my shirt of last week’s post, now combined with skinny jeans. A nice outfit, but not special enough to do a blog post about it.
Thursday Katrien came to visit me and we went into town. It was cold and windy, sometimes a little tease from the sun. After she went home again, the sun came out full blast. Irritating.
Below: Katrien with coat, which she made herself.
Below: Katrien without her coat, nice and colourful. I like the clash of colours.
I had to go to the Apple Store in the afternoon to pick up my new iPhone and I spent the rest of the afternoon installing it. Yes, I had made a back-up copy in the cloud so most of the installing was done, but there are always things that need extra attention.
Friday it was my birthday: 67 years old. I know you all wish me well and I appreciate it, really I do, but please don’t congratulate me in the comments. My replies will be such a bore, such a repeat. I just want to share my week in an honest way and that is why I mention it.
Ron got me a big flat parcel and a music card. The music card played a happy birthday song and had 70 on it. Next to that he had written: “Well…almost”. When he mentioned to the card sales lady that I was 67 she tut-tut-tutted him. Not knowing that I would grin over it.
In the parcel was a clothes hanger with a note saying that I could pick out an outfit at my favourite shop, kpa.haarlem anytime I wanted. He had arranged with Karlijn, the owner, that she would bill him. He had another surprise for me. After I had been to the hairdresser, I crossed the street to Karlijn in her shop where she treated me to cake and flowers. We chatted and the clients she had appointments with, cancelled one after another, so we kept on chatting. Then I helped her by photographing her in several outfits for Instagram and her website. She is in the early stages of recovery from a complicated broken ankle and doesn’t move around very fast. Now to others this might not sound very exciting, but for me it was the perfect birthday celebration. I just love doing these things.
When I got home, neighbours/friends from down the road had a big bunch of tulips for me. Together with Karlijn’s flowers and Lia’s tulips it is spring in our house.
Hope you enjoyed yourself reading this post.
a random thought about the brooch… could you fasten the pins to a reasonably heavy chain and sometimes also wear it as a necklace?
I have been thinking the same but the pins are totally useless for that. I will contact the artist again and see whether she has any suggestions.
Loving the outfit – the brooch with jumper and skirt is gorgeous, so pretty. Belated happy birthday what a fun way to spend it, especially as it wasnt totally planned but just happened as things went along, your husband is a keeper I like his approach to life and birthdays
My husband is definitely a keeper. He is thoughtful, caring and has a great sense of humor. I am very lucky with him (and he with me hahahaha).
Thanks for the birthday wishes.
It sounds like you had such a lovely treat on your birthday, Greetje. I loved what your husband did with the 70 card lol. That’s the kind of thing my family would do!
And speaking of your husband, I laughed so much about his comment to hike up your skirt! And the photo of you laughing is just brilliant!! Wonderful!
Have a lovely weekend.
Suzy xx
My husband has a great sense of humor and I get to enjoy it every day. Humor is on top of the list in husbands with most women. Perhaps with men as well.
lovely outfit. Very YOU (your classic elegant side). Brooches are starting to become an element of your signature style! As always great article. You truly put so much effort into them.
Indeed, my classic elegant side haha. Usually I am in jeans doing casual chic. Brooches and necklaces have always had my love.
Thank you for the compliments. I do put a lot of time into 1 post. But hey…it is only one post a week.
What a fun post. Your inventive poses and pretty outfit carry the day. Glad you got a vaccine appt.; mine is today!
Oh good on you for getting your vaccine. I so hope it will make us safer and able to go back to a bit more normal life.
My poses are a work in progress. I even have a book about poses for photography. Not every pose is achievable or pretty, but there are a few good ones. Usually the spontaneous photos are the best.
I love the brooch, it is very original. I also love your skirt, it is beautiful. I really like your photo with the jeans and the candles behind you. Today I don’t have a close-up, well yes, a close-up of your neck! LOL
A close-up of my neck haha…you made me laugh. Next Sunday there will be another close-up. Promise.
The brooch is so pretty and a great addition to your outfit. Glad that your husband is getting the vaccine and that you will soon. What a difference it is making in the world. Has your pretty friend Katrien been to the UFO festival in Roswell, New Mexico? I live a couple of hours from there and travel through there quite often. We had a pretty severe hailstorm last week and will have to have a new roof. Not fun. Hope you have a good week.
Yesterday evening I was able to make my vaccine appointments as well: the 28th of April and the 4th of June.
Why do you ask whether Katrien has been to the UFO festival in Roswell? I don’t think so.
Sorry to hear about your roof. A new roof is very expensive. I wonder whether such things are covered by an insurance or whether they would claim force majeur / circumstances beyond their control.
Hey Greetje, it ‘s been a while…do you remember me? Wishing You many happy returns!
Another great fashion week! That skirt is a treasure! But it would be hard to choose between it or your red dress, great styling of that outfit! Loved seeing all the laughter. You had lots to celebrate, visits with friends, time spent in your favourite shop, and tulips that always let us know that warmer days are ahead!
I will agree with you Trudy, it was a lovely week, nothing to complain about.
In the many years gone by, I have assembled so many great outfits, it would be very hard to choose which one is the best.
I am sorry Barbara, but I would need more information before I may remember you. I have several Barabara’s commenting on my blog. But it is always nice to have a reader returning to commenting.
And thank you for your wishes.
Happy belated birthday Greetje! I know you don’t want us to write that but I did anyways. ; P
Ron is THE BEST gift giver I know. His imagination is always working. And his sense of humour never fails. You guys are a great couple.
That pink/red skirt is one of my favourites of yours. I really love the pin you got from Bella too. So quirky.
I chose well, didn’t I? When I chose Ron as my matie for life. Well, actually I just flashed my boobs haha (by accident).
The skirt is a great piece as well because it doesn’t crease. A big plus for a pleated skirt.
And thank you for your birthday wishes. Nice to get a comment from you.
Such a great broach Greetje and it matches perfectly with your sweater and skirt too.
Once this lockdown situation is over I really think we need to visit each other.
Have a fabulous week!
xo Yvonne
Wouldn’t that be great Yvonne? And perhaps we could meet in London and see some other bloggers too. I have such fond memories of our meeting.
Joyeux Anniversaire, ma belle! (Pas besoin d’une reponse) I love those brooches. So creative and striking! And I found a solution to heavy brooches 2 Christmases ago when I found a heavy star pin of my mother’s. It would fall forward even on a heavy sweater. So I cut out a piece of thinnish cardboard and pinned it behind the brooch inside the sweater. All was in balance. Bonne chance.
You are either Canadian or French. Merci bien Sheila-Merle.
Your solution to fastening the brooch would be great (I use felt) but with 5 fastening pins that is very hard to manage.
With the 5 pins, at least it doesn’t fall forward, but the weight pulls anyway.
Je suis Californiene, mais je parle francais courament, et nous avons dit qqe chose en francais au debut. I think you could use the cardboard on the top pin only. Cheers.
Ah, well that is a surprise. I don’t know many Californian people who speak French, let alone fluently. My French is terrible and not at all courament. I cannot remember that we exchanged stuff in French au debut haha.
Using the carboard on the top pin only, isn’t going to reduce the weight of the brooch, I am afraid.
Wonderful post! Great outfits! Your husband, Ron, sounds like a hoot! Lucky you, lucky both of you for having great senses of humor. My birthday was last week (8th). Aren’t us Aries great?!! LOL.
We Aries are certainly a force to be reckoned with haha. My husband is a lovely man and indeed with a great sense of humour. We women highly appreciate humour in a man, don’t we?
The hanger is such a thoughtful gift! I may have to slip that idea into a conversation with my husband when it gets a little closer to my next birthday!
I love the fact that you share photos of your friends on your blog and enjoy hearing about your day to day life.
Ron’s idea for my present seem to inspire lots of readers haha. I hope your husband takes to the idea. At least he doesn’t have to search for the right present and wondering whether you will like it.
My friends are part of my life, so if they agree, I share their photos in my blog. If they don’t, then obviously I do not.
The brooch and pin are both spectacular. Love the red skirt too and the pics of you laughing are fab. It was my birthday on Friday too – there seems to be several of us here 🙂 Have a great week!
Yes, April is a very popular month for birthdays. I always assumed that was because 9 months earlier it was summer and perhaps holiday? Congratulations fellow 16th of April.
And thank you for the compliments.
I adore this red/pink skirt on you, Greetje, and love your styling here. Ron does a fab job of keeping you laughing and smiling, and that pic of you against the wall with your foot up is a wonderful one.
I love the brooch from Bella, and your friend Lia’s kitchen is awesome. I love all the colour!
The card and hanger are such perfect “Ron” gifts (I feel like I know him and his sense of humour), and I would have howled with laughter at that card! Too funny. I get what you mean, about doing the things you love on “your” day. I’m glad you got to do that, hon. All the best to you for the next trip around the sun (and a Happy B-day to Ron too!).
Thank you for your compliments and good wishes.
Lia’s kitchen has been “done” by her husband. He is very handy and loves colour and stained glass (he designs and creates panels with stained glass himself).
You are right in thinking that my birthday present and card are very much Ron. We had a lovely weekend. His daughter with her husband came and she brought 4 Covid tests. We used them and were all negative.
After establishing that, she could finally hug her dad afer a year. It was a great day.
Ron is so thoughtful! I love the photos of you laughing. His birthday present idea is great — I’m sure I won’t be the only one sharing his ideas with my husband.
Oh yes, Ron is very thoughtful and I am the opposite which he really hates. At least this year I didn’t forget to congratulate him on his birthday (two days later than mine). That has happened in the past.
And no, you are not the only one who wants to share Ron’s present idea with her husband haha.
Loved the clothes hanger present. Wonder if I could drop hints for my next one.
Love Katriens coat. Wish I was that talented and had the patience
At least your husband wouldn’t have to search high and low and wondering whether you would like it. I hope he takes to the idea.
Katrien is very talented and loves quality in sewing and details.
If a brooch is too heavy to wear on a item of clothing, try putting a small piece of fabric beneath the brooch on the wrong side of the sweater or dress to give extra stability and pinning the brooch through both the sweater and the fabric.
The idea for the brooch pinning is excellent. I have a few brooches with this system. Only… when you have 5 fastening pins to manage, that is really a bit too much.
First I love both pins!! The teeth one because I’m a retired dentist (did you know that?) and the flower one because it’s so unique.
As for your birthday, you just can’t say that and not expect us to send you all kind of wishes and love.
I will say that your husband is a smart cookie. I’m telling mine that idea so hopefully he’ll use it!!
We share a birthday! I hope you enjoyed yours and I enjoyed mine 🎉🍰🥂
I look forward to Ron’s pictures around Haarlem, and your wonderful fashions.
The 16th of April is a good date. Congratulations. I had a terrific day.
Thank you for your compliments. So good to hear. It makes blogging so nice.
Yes I know you are a retired dentist. Great profession. My collection of accessories is quite awesome.
Thank you for the good wishes and I hope your husband likes the present idea. At least it is much better than looking for a present and wondering the whole time “Will she like this?”
Love the skirt and your duck picture. You do indeed look so happy!
I will admit, I lead a happy life and I love laughing. It is not just a pose for the blog or fake (the word of 2020). I am a lucky person.
It sounds like you had a lovely week! That brooch is really spectacular (and perfect with the skirt) so what a shame it’s hard to wear.
Looking forward to chatting again…
I might have another word with the artist about it. Perhaps she now knows a better solution for fastening.
Splendid post!! You look radiant! Love your lovely and talented close friends!!
Just had my 77th bday in March. Doesn’t feel any different than 33rd. A few aches and more wrinkles, but that’s all. The heart keeps ticking and the brain is more enlightened. So, keep ticking!!
Ron is a keeper! I will not so subtly pass on his clever ideas to Richard!
Thank you for sharing!
Thank you and I will indeed keep on ticking. Strange isn’t it, that in your brain you remain 33. It is exactly the same with me.
I don’t know if it works, passing Ron’s gift idea to your husband as the element of surprise is gone. I had no idea what would be in the parcel. But you can try.
Hello You!
Don’t care what you say, I’m jolly well going to say Happy Belated Birthday for last Friday if only because you share it with Mr Gee! Whisper it low, but he’s ahem, a bit older than you – as am I – but hey, who’s counting? So glad you had a nice day, and so did the old man, thanks for asking!
Love your outfits, and the backgrounds of course. Lookin’ good!
Gee x
The 16th of April is a jolly good day. My husband’s birthday is two days later. And thank you Gee.