Patchwork jacketThumbs up, as the result of the tumour staging is good. They removed everything and it wasn’t a moment too soon. To be sure a malignant cell didn’t go rogue to settle in my bladder, they will monitor me closely every three months for two years. And after that once a year (I think).

That is the best news I could get.

Below: Coming out of hospital being euphoric.
Changing immediately to more frivolous matters…the patchwork jacket is lovely but doesn’t hang well over an ample bosom. It tends to fall awkwardly at the sides.

Patchwork jacket

Below: I asked Ron to take photos of this outfit for the blog as I realized I might be one post short with my photo stock. Even with the hospital as background.
I had to wear trousers which were light on the tummy. (You have seen them before in this post.) My tummy is very bloated but that will be all right in about four weeks. So I wore a black top for warmth and a black wide camisole to cover my tummy. The monochrome lets the jacket shine.

Patchwork jacket

Below: When I was in Alkmaar with Marcella, I bought this second-hand jacket in a vintage store called Mevrouw Jansen. It is hand-made. Must have been a monk who created it as this is painstaking work. A few stitches had come undone but I repaired that. It is in a good condition, although not in new condition, but I adore this labour of love.

Details of patchwork jacket

Below: Wind was blowing again so Ron suggested a covered bus stop for the next photo. I am trying to get the big bag out of sight.

Patchwork jacket

Below: Yes, ready for a nice photo.

Patchwork jacket

Below: This is the one photo with a lovely background, a magnolia tree in bloom. Only I just lost my smile. Never mind, the flowers will make you happy. Spring is just around the corner.

Patchwork jacket

What happened in my life this week

Friday last week I dared wearing my wide black trousers again as I showed you at the end of last week’s post. That was a mistake. My belly area isn’t ready for any constraint, however minimal. So the next day I put on my wide jogging trousers again. They are a size too big, so really comfy around the waist and for that reason very hard to style. I tried though. Put on a nice necklace, tucked in the wide jumper at the waist and put on nice boots. Do I really like this? No, I don’t but for now it is the best I can do.

Outfit Saturday

Below: Wearing the same jogging trousers on Sunday, this time with my new oversized brown jumper, leopard booties and colourful earrings (yes, by Lara Design; this song is getting old).
Again, do I like it? No, I don’t. But tummy needs to be comfortable. Walked outside for a couple of rounds of 15 minutes.

Outfit Sunday

On Monday my bonus daughter and her husband visited us and they brought flowers (below). Very welcome now that the flowers of the first week have wilted.


Tuesday was also a nice day with visitors so I made an effort (below). Much the same as the original outfit in December but this time with my new oversized brown jumper. I think I have shown you this once before.

Outfit Tuesday

Loes (below) came for coffee in the morning and brought me a wooden owl puzzle. Very sweet.


And in the afternoon Kitty (below) dropped by as well and she gave me a belt as a present.


All this attention, these presents and flowers, make me so shy. Really.

Friday Marcella came round again for a coffee and she handed me the earrings I had bought from her. You will have to wait to see them.
She had some new gold-plated earrings in as well (see below):

Collage earrings gold-plated by Lara Design

Below: I wore this outfit that Friday. No pressure on my tummy and still stylish. (Link to original post.)

Outfit Friday

My group of friends, called the BVA girls, sent me a photo of them, by my request, having a ball in Maastricht (down south). They are celebrating Marianne’s birthday of a couple of weeks ago, staying in such a cute hotel for the weekend. I am really bummed out that I couldn’t go with them. But a weekend with them, after a two hours’ drive, is something my poor body cannot handle yet.

Below: My BVA girls.

BVA girls

By the end of the week I was able to walk 25 minutes twice over (walking very slowly). It takes me exactly to Karlijn’s shop (kpa.haarlem) where I have to rest before going back. Very dangerous. So far I bought a yellow maxi dress for summer and flat summer shoes. I really have to start walking in another direction.


No Fear of Fashion


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