Kenzo dress worn with white jeans

Kenzo dress worn with white jeans

The days I wore this Kenzo dress actually as a dress are gone. Too short, even with a pencil skirt underneath it (see this post). My knees are too old and even my shapely legs are too old now to put on display. I weep but it is time to come to terms with it. I have...
Pebble coloured trousers with a neon pink top

Pebble coloured trousers with a neon pink top

Remember I showed you these trousers before with an orange and cream top and I didn’t like the combination? This time I combined the pebble coloured trousers with a neon pink top and I love it. I think both are a bit ‘arty’. I wore this combination...
Black linen dress with Angela Caputi necklace

Black linen dress with Angela Caputi necklace

The photos for this blog post were taken with an iPhone which means the quality isn’t that good. My phone had to do for taking photos as I was walking through Amsterdam all day with Sylvia of 40PlusStyle. My normal camera (plus flashlight) is terribly heavy....
With blog reader Susan in Amsterdam

With blog reader Susan in Amsterdam

A different post this week than usual as I was pretty ill. No opportunity to do an outfit photo shoot. It probably started with a virus three weeks ago and I thought it had gone so ventured out again, only to pick up another virus. Or, the one that I already had, got...
Wide cream trousers and Shopping Saturday

Wide cream trousers and Shopping Saturday

All my friends are dear to me and my heart is capable of loving them all equally. When you make a new friend, it doesn’t take any love away from your old friends, your heart just expands. It is such a magnificent phenomenon. You are about to see many photos of...
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