Long denim skirt

Long denim skirt

How about that? Me on the red carpet with my long denim skirt. It was quite the challenge to descend without looking at the steps. Marjolein, who was my photographer, insisted I looked straight ahead. We were in The Hague and the red carpet belongs to a hotel. The...
Wide leg jeans with a green jumper

Wide leg jeans with a green jumper

Together with last week’s outfit, Loes photographed my jeans with a green jumper and white necklace at a place called Museum of the Mind. Museum of the Mind (in Dutch called Dolhuys) is situated in a unique medieval building: the former leper-, plague and...
Pebble coloured trousers with a blue blazer and a blue blouse

Pebble coloured trousers with a blue blazer and a blue blouse

Back to restyling again. I hate that as I am not good at shopping from my wardrobe, but I cannot keep buying new things. I combined the pebble coloured trousers with a blue blazer and a blue blouse. You get two for one in this post. I like both combinations; with the...
Multi-coloured knitted cardigan and fun in a store

Multi-coloured knitted cardigan and fun in a store

Kitty had asked Karlijn, the owner of kpa.haarlem, one of my favourite stores, whether it would be all right if we had a photo shoot in her store if it was a cold day. She agreed and of course I chose to feature the multi-coloured knitted cardigan I had bought there a...
Short blue coat and white lace-up booties

Short blue coat and white lace-up booties

Apart from a simple cream top, you can see all my recent purchases in this post. (Remember when I “fell off the no-shopping wagon” when I was cruising Haarlem with my friend Marja, a couple of weeks ago?) I started my shopping with a short blue coat from...
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