Wide leg jeans with a green jumper

Wide leg jeans with a green jumper

Together with last week’s outfit, Loes photographed my jeans with a green jumper and white necklace at a place called Museum of the Mind. Museum of the Mind (in Dutch called Dolhuys) is situated in a unique medieval building: the former leper-, plague and...
Pebble coloured trousers with a blue blazer and a blue blouse

Pebble coloured trousers with a blue blazer and a blue blouse

Back to restyling again. I hate that as I am not good at shopping from my wardrobe, but I cannot keep buying new things. I combined the pebble coloured trousers with a blue blazer and a blue blouse. You get two for one in this post. I like both combinations; with the...
Multi-coloured knitted cardigan and fun in a store

Multi-coloured knitted cardigan and fun in a store

Kitty had asked Karlijn, the owner of kpa.haarlem, one of my favourite stores, whether it would be all right if we had a photo shoot in her store if it was a cold day. She agreed and of course I chose to feature the multi-coloured knitted cardigan I had bought there a...
Short blue coat and white lace-up booties

Short blue coat and white lace-up booties

Apart from a simple cream top, you can see all my recent purchases in this post. (Remember when I “fell off the no-shopping wagon” when I was cruising Haarlem with my friend Marja, a couple of weeks ago?) I started my shopping with a short blue coat from...
Dries van Noten sweater with black ribbons

Dries van Noten sweater with black ribbons

As it is a highly unusual design, I bought this Dries van Noten sweater with black ribbons. Was it wise? Will I wear it a lot? Hmmm, time will tell. It is one of my biggest pitfalls when buying clothes. So far I managed to have a wardrobe filled with unusual pieces...
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