White trousers and shirt with a green jacket

White trousers and shirt with a green jacket

Due to our Paris trip and my week in Covid isolation I was short of photos for the blog. And my regular photographers Loes and Kitty were both unavailable on short term. So, Ron to the rescue. A blog article on You Look Fab inspired me to combine the white trousers...
Au secours…. a sequined T-shirt

Au secours…. a sequined T-shirt

This sequined T-shirt was displayed in the window of the Essentiel shop (Belgian brand). That shop is located right between my house and the centre of town. Whenever I go to town, which is often, I pass it. It is clearly there to test my willpower. I kid myself I was...
Eijk flat shoes and a red mini bag

Eijk flat shoes and a red mini bag

A simple outfit, with Eijk flat shoes being the starting point. They are called Molly loafers and are super soft. No stitches, nothing to give me blisters. As the jeans are like PJ’s and the shirt is not restricting either, this is an outfit for casual days,...
Comfortable clothes for the brocante market at Chatou

Comfortable clothes for the brocante market at Chatou

The reason Ron wanted to go to Paris was the huge brocante market at Chatou, just outside of Paris. We have been going there several times in the past 21 years. Only, back in 1995 we had a house full of brocante stuff. Now, we changed to a modern style. Which made me...
A shirt dress in Paris

A shirt dress in Paris

A dress! You see me in a dress! Finally. I wore this shirt dress in Paris and it is by Sportmax. (For the Dutch readers: bought it in Haarlem at Lab Women clothing. Great service.) Why were we in Paris? Because Ron (husband) wanted to go to a huge brocante market just...
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