Kenzo dress worn with white jeans

Kenzo dress worn with white jeans

The days I wore this Kenzo dress actually as a dress are gone. Too short, even with a pencil skirt underneath it (see this post). My knees are too old and even my shapely legs are too old now to put on display. I weep but it is time to come to terms with it. I have...
Green jumper with flared jeans and Shopping Saturday in Utrecht

Green jumper with flared jeans and Shopping Saturday in Utrecht

Looking at the photo above I cannot help thinking the jeans should have been ironed. Something which was an absolute no-no in the seventies haha. Times are changing. I bought the green jumper while wearing these flared jeans and immediately liked the look. The jeans...
Green and white striped jumper and Shopping Saturday

Green and white striped jumper and Shopping Saturday

Although my style is really all over the place and not something specific like bohemian, I think you could say that jeans with a smart top is my signature style. In this post you’ll see the jeans with a green and white striped jumper. Perhaps the white is off-white, I...
Cognac trousers and my Shopping Saturday friends

Cognac trousers and my Shopping Saturday friends

Husband Ron thinks this outfit with the cognac trousers is super, which surprised me. I thought it was all right, a bit masculine but I must have been wrong (as I am so often). You have seen the trousers in my post with the light blue shirt. The cream blouse was...
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