Baggy jeans with an eyelet blouse and Shopping Saturday

Baggy jeans with an eyelet blouse and Shopping Saturday

I am trying to avoid using my new jeans in every new blog post, but you might have to excuse me. These days I am dressed in jeans most of the time. I combined the baggy jeans with an eyelet blouse from my wardrobe and silver boots. (Link to original post with these...
Yellow blazer with wide leg jeans

Yellow blazer with wide leg jeans

Above: Isn’t this a fantastic photo? My yellow blazer and the yellow stripes in the police uniforms differ but I think we are still a match. Further down the post I’ll tell you how this photo came about. Loes was photographing my outfit in Haarlem, in a...
Fluffy pink blazer

Fluffy pink blazer

Like I promised, here is an outfit with colour instead of all black. And I mean colour! My fluffy pink blazer is a vivid pink. I saw the blazer on a woman whom I follow on Instagram and found out that the blazer was for sale in my own town. So I hopped on my bike and...
Flared black trousers with an orange jumper and blazer

Flared black trousers with an orange jumper and blazer

To my surprise, I didn’t own a decent pair of black trousers anymore. It is a versatile piece of clothing, so when I found these flared black trousers (brand Joseph at LAB Women’s Clothing), I didn’t hesitate. At first I only found one jumper to go...
Men’s blazer and shirt and wide leg jeans

Men’s blazer and shirt and wide leg jeans

You will see more delicate outfits in the near future, really, I promise. But at the moment I am in an oversized, masculine inspired phase. Here is another outfit created with a men’s blazer and shirt and wide leg jeans. The blazer and shirt are my...
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