Susan and me having lunch at Le Bon MarchéMeeting Susan of Une femme d’un certain âge, in Paris was such a delight. We hadn’t seen each other for three years, we had only been able to facetime. Ron decided to join me on the three day trip and he spent one afternoon wandering round on his own, while I met Susan at Le Bon Marché. Susan’s husband went off to find himself a nice watch, so it was just the two of us.
There will be loads of photos in this post. Hopefully you will be able to download the post.

Below: My capsule for three days in Paris. I packed one extra outfit in case the weather was nicer than the forecast predicted.

Paris capsule

Below: Susan’s husband took this photo of the two of us and I seem to be a giant. It is not just the photo, we are indeed very different in height. Of course when you put us next to each other, it emphasizes the difference.

Susan and me at Le Bon Marché

Below: The outfit I wore meeting Susan was slightly different from the one I originally had planned. In the outfit below I am wearing leather jogging trousers and laced boots. In the photo above, boyfriend jeans and my ever so comfortable combat boots.


Susan and I chatted, had lunch, shopped, sat on terraces, shopped a bit more (she is such an enabler) and it was far too short a time. Alas, we had husbands to consider.

Below: Susan’s happy face.

Susan's happy face

Below: And a close-up of her cute earring.

Susan's cute earrings

Below: We were at Weekend Max Mara where I spotted this orange bag. Sure enough it was the one I have in blue leather from the outlet. So I checked the original price; I am happy to say I got a bargain. As it is this seasons, I have no idea why it ended up in the outlet. Dutch women are perhaps too practical for such an impractical bag? That boiler suit is really nice too, but not for my body shape.

Weekend Max Mara bag

I am not showing you any photos of my purchases (bye bye old age money) as they deserve a proper blog post.

Anyway, so much for lovely Susan. Now over to my time with Ron in Paris.

Below: On arrival it drizzled a bit and we quickly went into a nice restaurant for lunch. Here is Ron, being all content.

Ron being content

We walked in the afternoon and the rain had stopped. The weather forecast for our three days in Paris was not good; it held a lot of rain. You cannot plan the weather but as it turned out, we had NO RAIN apart from 2 x 15 minutes of drizzle. How about that?

Below: Drinking apricot juice in a café on our first day, as cappuccinos are the worst in Paris. They don’t know how to properly make them. Instead I usually have a ‘noisette’, which is a small coffee with a little bit of milk. (Link to post with original outfit.)

apricot juice in Paris

Below: We looked into an alley and saw this lovely restaurant courtyard at the end. Great when the sun is out.

Courtyard of a restaurant in Paris

Below: Some window shopping. Elegant desk and chair.

modern desk and chair

Below: All of a sudden we stood in front of Alexandra Sojfer’s shop and I sent Susan a photo saying: “Do you remember the Paris necklace? Look where I am now!”  As we both bought a terribly expensive necklace here (see blog post the Paris necklace). She replied: “Scene of the crime.” LOL

Alexandra Sojfer shop in Paris

The things in that shop are beyond my budget but I’ll hand it to Alexandra, her stuff is good. Originally it was a shop only for gloves and umbrellas, which they still sell. Now they have all sorts of desirable items.
Below: Some examples of current jewellery. That top necklace is totally up my street.

Alexandra Sojfer pearl necklace

Alexandra Sojfer necklace

Alexandra Sojfer bracelets

The first evening we dined at a restaurant we couldn’t find. When I phoned them in my non-existing French, the waitress asked me where we were. I described the restaurant across the road and she said: “Turn around and look”. Sure enough, we were standing in front of the restaurant, disguised as a pastry shop. It is called Les Papilles. You get a set menu of four courses and it is gorgeous food at a low price. Very friendly staff too. I highly recommended it.

Below: The next day this bakery lured us in. We tried not to indulge too much in these delicious pastries but we couldn’t say no to a mocha eclair. We both gained weight so now it is back to grind of consuming less calories.


Below: Such a beautiful entrance.

Grand door in Paris

Below: Another perfect example why Paris is so appealing. The photo was taken early evening.

Building in Paris

Below: The second evening we dined at Procope. Ron had read it is one of the oldest cafés (restaurants) in Paris. I expected a small café, but it is huge. Three floors with rooms and tables everywhere which took nothing away from the intimate atmosphere.

Dining at Procope restaurant in Paris

Procope restaurant in Paris

Below: My first (and last) cocktail in Paris. As my favourite (piña colada) is not to be found anywhere, I tried a different one. Winter garden this one is called. Not too bad.

Dining at Procope restaurant in Paris

The third and last day was supposed to be with heavy rain. Hah… not. It did rain before we left the hotel and it rained for half an hour when we were in a museum. Sunshine the rest of the day. What a wonderful surprise.

Below: It was about 11 o’clock when the sun appeared.

The sun coming out in Paris

Below: I was smitten with this Easter display of fine jewellery.

easter bunnies displaying jewellery

Below: A close-up so you can see the earrings better in the ears.

easter bunnies displaying jewellery

My friend Anja suggested we’d go to le Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature (museum of the hunt and nature). Ron liked it but I felt sad the whole time. Cruel and unsettling.

Below: Two panthers with a big brown bear in the background.

Panthers and bear at Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature

Below: This I liked. It is half a house, built from planks and covered with feathers and then placed against a mirrored wall. Clever. Inside was a sort of library with the books sorted by colour.

feathered house in Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature

Below: Throughout the museum all banisters were like this.

banister at Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature

Below: In the museum shop you could buy these. I sent a photo to Anja as I knew she would like this. Sure enough, she bought one when she visited the museum.

Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature

The museum is in Le Marais. It is a lovely area of Paris and I had been here a couple of times before. I particularly liked a quirky shop called Addicted at 29e Rue du Temple. They sell clothes by young upcoming designers, who use recycled material and give an item another twist. Of course I stopped by again and bought two big, long shirts. One basic blue/white striped but cut in an original way and one just plain wide and long in hysteric colours.

Below: What I did not buy but loved was this black blazer with flowers painted on it, even though it fitted like a glove.

Blazer with painted flowers front

Blazer with painted flowers back

Below: Another piece that had me in awe was this coat, or rather two halves of two different coats (also in length). Did I hear anybody scream SEQUINS and BEADS?

Sequinned coat at Addicted Paris

Sequinned coat at Addicted Paris

Below: We strolled back to the hotel to pick up our luggage and head for the train. Passing the grand town hall, Hôtel de Ville. It is near the Notre Dame, which is still long from being restored to its old self after the big fire.

Hotel de Ville Paris

Below: Details of the top middle part.

Detail of Hotel de Ville Paris

Below: Across from the town hall, Ron discovered this framed drawing on the wall. That is what I call a rogue drawing. I wonder how long it will stay there.

Rogue drawing on building in Paris

Below: We ended our stay on a terrace on Place Saint Michel. The same place where we sat the first time the two of us romantically went to Paris and Ron told me he’d never thought he’d ever be that happy. A girl melts hearing such words.

Place Saint Michel Paris

Below: The view to the left with the statue of Saint Michel.

Place Saint Michel Paris

As Audrey Hepburn said in the movie Breakfast at Tiffany’s: “Paris is always a good idea”.

What happened in my life this week

Saturday was a reverse journey to the cobbler and to Marianne, as I took a pair of her boots in as well. The cobbler worked his magic again. Nothing interesting the rest of the day.

Sunday Ron and I saw mum again. We had a lot of ‘clock business’ with her. A clock on the wall, a new alarm clock and a new battery in her watch. Unfortunately the wound on her heel is still not healing properly, but I got her a sort of bandage shoe to keep her heel off the mattress during the night. Hopefully it will help. Fingers crossed.

Monday we took dog Watson to friends who were happy to look after him while we were away. As a matter of fact, they asked whether it was all right to pick him up on Friday late afternoon instead of early morning, so they could walk him a couple of more times. They think he is adorable and of course we agree.
Loes fed the cat and gave him treats. Everything was taken care of.

Then on Friday morning, I had a bit of a sore throat and just to be sure I took a Covid test which turned out to be positive. So now I am spending my days in bed and sitting on the sofa. Friday and Saturday aren’t too bad, so let’s hope it stays that way.

As for the weekly video, I do have something. Ron took this video when I was a little tipsy from the Winter garden cocktail. Drunken laughter this is. Must have been because I quite rapidly drank it through a straw.
Click on the photo to see the video and turn on your sound. I had to do it this way as YouTube doesn’t give an ’embedded link’ anymore for portrait videos.

Winter Garden cocktail video


No Fear of Fashion


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