Polka dot dress with trousersApologies for the bad quality of the photos in this post. I wasn’t planning on using them, but decided to do so anyway. The quality is also bad because of the recent iPhone update. The ‘improvement’ Apple made, was to switch photos from JPG format to HEIC format. And this new HEIC format cannot be read by my Photoshop Elements programme. I have to convert them to JPG and with that, lose a lot of quality.
I have changed my iPhone camera settings to ‘Most compatible’ which brings me back to JPG.

Anyway, that’s just technical stuff which you are probably not interested in.

My neighbour and friend Monique likes to go to museums and exhibitions. Usually Monique comes up with a suggestion; this time I had read about the Groote Museum of Artis in Amsterdam. Please take a minute to look at their site and you will grasp a bit better what the museum is all about than from just the photos below.

The weather was fickle again but no rain. Hmmm…my umbrella came with me in the red tote anyway because if you have an umbrella with you, it won’t rain. If you leave the house without one, it will pour down. Everybody knows that.

A coat wasn’t necessary and after a lot of thinking, I decided to wear my polka dot dress with black cigarette trousers and trainers. Here is the link to the original post where I am wearing it as a dress with a pencil skirt underneath it as the slits at the sides are pretty high up.

The Museum is in a very old building. It opened as a museum in 1855. The floorboards creak although it has been renovated.

Below: In the photo below you can see there is a gallery above the windows, going all the way round.

Groote Museum of Artis, Amsterdam

Below: Let me (re-)introduce Monique who is posing with a giraffe. She is standing on the gallery.


There are only two halls, but it is interactive and you have to listen to the stories that are told at each stop which takes you a couple of hours. I have learned so much and amazed myself. You become very much aware how humans, animals, plants, trees…actually everything living on earth, is connected. I always knew but I absorbed a lot of information to make me even more knowledgeable.

Below: Photo taken from the gallery in hall number 2. See the tree hanging from the ceiling?

Groote Museum of Artis, Amsterdam

Groote Museum of Artis, Amsterdam

Below: Monique and I started with this display in hall 1, ground floor but you can pick and choose your own journey through the museum. The headphones you see in the middle at the bottom are the ones for the explanation of this display. We were lucky that we picked a Monday at an early time. You don’t want to wait.

Groote Museum of Artis, Amsterdam

As there are no seats at the museum you have to stand all the time. My body (knees) cannot take that for more than one and a half hour, so we didn’t make it all the way through. I was also hungry as we started at noon. I am definitely going back to ‘do’ the rest. We left to get some lunch.

After lunch in a nearby pub, we took the tram into the centre in order to find a good coffee restaurant.

Below: You can shoot such lovely pictures as this. Amsterdam the way I love it most.


Below: Near Hotel l’Europe which you see on the left. Canals everywhere.


Below: We passed a shop called Dsign, a shop with Dutch designer gifts where I saw this cute bag by Mrs. Rosehip.
I had drooled over her design before. You can see a larger version of this bag in red in the post about the Design & Craft fair. It is expensive and probably highly impractical. Besides, I’d better start using my yellow Coach bag before I buy another yellow one.

Polka dot dress with trousers

Below: When I chose this dress to wear with the trousers, I wasn’t sure whether to use the belt or not. Below is the dress with belt. As you can see from the photos above I wore it without the belt, but I am still not 100% sure which is better. I also changed to trainers just before I left.

Polka dot dress with trousers

Below: Close-up of the corrugated cardboard earrings.

Red earrings from corrugated cardboard

It’s a bit of an impromptu shoot and post. Next week you will see a post with loads of photos.

What happened in my life this week

Saturday was mostly a day in the car. Ron asked me to help evaluate 2 cars of which he wanted to buy one. Of course the dealers were miles apart. After much deliberation he decided on one; soon he will be the proud owner of it.

My brother and SIL visited mum on Sunday, so no ‘mum photo’. I pottered around all day and did a lot of chores.
As there was so little space in my wardrobe my new clothes (most of which you have seen) were scattered everywhere. I was on my way to buy new hangers when I realized that that was stupid. Those hangers wouldn’t fit in the wardrobe. I needed to weed. Picked some clothes which didn’t have my love anymore and gave them away. And there is space again. Yes, it’s a hobby, dear readers.

Monday Monique and I went to the museum and this post is the result.

Tuesday was a quiet day with fitness exercises, a visit from the plumber (our shower is leaking but it is a minor problem apparently) and dog walking. I was helping Ron with the dog as he had an important meeting.

Wednesday was a lovely day in the old town of Delft with Peggy. She took photos for another blog post. Yay.

Below: Peggy in a shoe shop. A wonderful, intelligent and positive woman.


Thursday, another quiet day. There is not much to show or tell when it is so quiet, sorry.

Friday I was invited by Marcella (of Lara Design) for lunch. Before that I enjoyed being in her atelier where she put a red bouton on my black and white striped earrings (they were a gift from her a month ago). You can see them at the bottom left of the photo.

Marcella's atelier

Below: Perfect weather, perfect company, perfect lunch. (Link to the original post of my outfit.) Glad she is back from holiday.

Marcella and me having lunch


No Fear of Fashion


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