
Graffiti art in Amsterdam

Graffiti art in Amsterdam

Jill of Everything Just So asked me whether I would be interested in joining Adrienne and her for "How I Wear My Booties" on March 2. She saw my post with the blue sweater and liked it. Of course I agreed. But as I didn't really like the blue and white striped skirt,...

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Amsterdam IJhallen

Amsterdam IJhallen

The money was spent. All gone. The lust for shopping wasn't. My friends Sabine and Anke said: "Let's go to the Amsterdam IJhallen!" This is an enormous flea market (hallen = market and IJ = the name of a big water in Amsterdam). At the IJhallen, the prices are right...

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Bags and purses

Bags and purses

This post was long overdue… a post about the Museum of Bags and Purses in Amsterdam. Such a beautiful place, such a lovely things to see (update 2023: the museum is now closed). As the name says… they have bags. Lots and lots of them. And they are in the prettiest...

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Bloggers get together part two

Bloggers get together part two

Things can go a bit crazy when you put four bloggers together who are mad about clothes. OK fair enough, this was not my idea; crazy Anja and Suzanne came up with it and I played along. Reluctantly, I will admit, as there wasn't anything flattering for me in the...

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Bloggers get together

Bloggers get together

It is getting quite busy here in The Netherlands with bloggers coming and going from all over the world. OK,OK that is a bit exaggerated. Still, in July blogger Dan from The Pretty Cute was over from Italy and now Suzanne from Suzanne Style Files (Canada) is staying...

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Amsterdam and Haarlem with Daniela

Amsterdam and Haarlem with Daniela

On day two of her visit, I explored Amsterdam and Haarlem with Daniela. Well... explored...the weather was unkind and forced us to sit inside a lot. Lots of rain showers. We started in Amsterdam, near the Amstel and Staalstraat, where Waterloo square is. Below:...

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Showing Amsterdam to Daniela

Showing Amsterdam to Daniela

The best thing about blogging is the contact with other women, especially (but not only) bloggers. One of my great fellow bloggers is Daniela, better known as Dan from the blog The Pretty Cute. She is a very elegant Italian lady who invited me to visit her in Italy....

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Shopping in Amsterdam Leidsestraat

Shopping in Amsterdam Leidsestraat

My friend Helena and I realized that we had not “done” any shopping in Amsterdam Leidsestraat yet. Which was easily put right. So in my holiday, we set out to make this documentary. All in the course of good journalism. And in your interest. Purely...

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Amsterdam Maritime Museum

Amsterdam Maritime Museum

Another little piece of my beloved city: Amsterdam Maritime Museum. For the Dutch: Scheepvaartmuseum (don't even try to pronounce it when you are not Dutch). My husband Ron was kind enough to take photos again of my new outfit, my variation on a jumpsuit. Very...

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Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam featured the Yellow Skirt

Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam featured the Yellow Skirt

Usually you will find paintings and sculptures of old Dutch masters in this museum. But this time the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam featured the Yellow Skirt. For those who don't know this phenomenon... the Yellow Skirt travels all over the world, from blog to blog. Every...

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Shopping in Amsterdam Utrechtsestraat

Shopping in Amsterdam Utrechtsestraat

We totally forgot how much fun it is, shopping in Amsterdam Utrechtsestraat. We imagined to "do" the street in no time. After all what is one street? "We" in this case are my friends and colleagues Anke, Sabine and myself. We did not make it to all the shops. There...

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Amsterdam Kings day 2014

Amsterdam Kings day 2014

It has been a while since we went to Amsterdam to celebrate Queens day or rather Kings day, since the succession of Willem Alexander last year. Today we (my husband Ron and I) wanted to give you an impression of Amsterdam Kings day 2014. For anybody who is not Dutch.....

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